Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I may be old-fashioned , ’ Alec sighed , ‘ but I hate experimenting in a lonely spot like this . ’
2 We long ago ceased to enjoy hanging as a public spectacle .
3 Are there sufficient staff in the organisation prepared to promote nursing in the local community ?
4 ( 10 ) Acceptance of the cash underwritten alternative and the consequent disposal of the consideration shares might give rise to a liability to capital gains tax depending on the individual circumstances of the accepting shareholder .
5 The glass of wine went quickly to each head , for Alix 's family was teetotal , and Liz 's alcohol consumption to that date comprised perhaps three glasses of brown sherry and one ( celebrating her A levels with her teacher ) of Liebfraumilch : Esther seemed better connected with drink as with friends , but even she became confiding under the mild influence .
6 If they dream up a bright profit-winning idea , even if it involves walking in the dirty waters of pornography as the 0898 service does , the Government are unable or unwilling to do anything about it , even over a six-year period .
7 Firstly pictures of their lead singer , Ben Volpierre Pierrot , have stopped appearing in the front sections of Sunday newspaper supplements captioned by bad puns on his name , and secondly the single from this album is all about leaving messages on an answering machine .
8 He stands gazing at the middle barrel .
9 But if there is no molecular symmetry other than the plane , the x and y axes are not uniquely determined by the symmetry and in-plane vibrations and may give a/b-hybrid bands depending on the relative directions of the A and B axes and the dipole change .
10 WHY are you less likely to get caught speeding in a black car and most likely in a red one ?
11 He also has the awkward problem of a narrow marginal seat in Bath which desperately needs nursing in the ordinary course of events , let alone during an election .
12 Most of us of course will be occupied seeing in the New Year .
13 No one surely needs reminding of the intimate ( and , on the face of it , incongruous ) relationship between advertising and surrealism — the surrealism of Magritte in particular .
14 Women with severe emotional problems may need counselling on a long-term basis .
15 ( Confidingly ) Now for a handful of guilders I happen to have a private and uncut performance of the Rape of the Sabine Women — or rather woman , or rather Alfred — ( Over his shoulder ) Get your skirt on , Alfred — ( The BOY starts struggling into a female robe. ) … and for eight you can participate .
16 The best rugby , though , was yet to come stemming from a tigerish rally inspired by a local lad .
17 Her father , as anxious as Hoskins to possess a memento of the child , executed two stoneware portraits , one a figurine of a small bare-footed child in a loose calf-length shift walking towards the New Horizon , the other a naturalistic representation of the little girl dressed for her coffin ( Col. 5 ) .
18 On the back of Wall Street 's overnight strength , the FT-SE 100 cash index rose 33 points at the outset and , with the futures index opening at a hefty premium , looked poised to turn in a record-setting performance .
19 Even though the task — one that involved pedalling on a stationary bicycle — was equally demanding at all times , it was felt by the volunteers to be most difficult to achieve in the middle of the night .
20 They will include climbing in the traditional foreign flesh pots and a new policy covering expeditions locations not included under the old general policy .
21 Pairs of multiple step ladders or trestles can be bridged with purpose designed staging as a basic form of scaffolding .
22 Again , this is a serious defect and needs checking by a structural engineer .
23 Products are grouped according to the principal benefit which customers perceive that their purchase will bring .
24 The data were then grouped according to the mean value .
25 Here are some words which are commonly used in essay and exam questions , grouped according to the basic types of writing which they might be asking you to do .
26 May Sinclair stopped writing in the late 1920s .
27 The objectives should therefore be modified according to the individual requirements of a student .
28 But by comparing the bodies of two adult animals that are known to differ according to a single gene , they can see what effects that single gene has .
29 The numbers of tumours at each site were predetermined according to the approximate frequency of presentation at that primary site .
30 What is important is that cells in area MT of monkey always responded according to the illusory direction of movement of the chevron perceived by a human observer rather than to the physical direction of movement of the component gratings .
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