Example sentences of "[verb] [vb base] [pers pn] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 STAIN TOK I The awareness that one is helplessly living a role
2 Fred Astaire still twirls Ginger Rogers and Donald Peers croons Give me the moonlight , give me the girl and leave the rest to me .
3 I erm got , check you 've got two days , you 've got give me the estimate , it 's got to be on because she 's expecting it to be done straight away on the computer and sent .
4 When they arrive give them the name of an animal and ask them to make the noise the animal makes to find similar animals .
5 When the children arrive give them the end of a piece of coloured wool .
6 That means give me the packet .
7 Government jobs and the opportunities which association with the government gives allow them the possibility of accumulating material goods .
8 My superior self had taken over-call it the result of time-shock , if you will , but I felt myself in the presence of myth and , by association , accepted myself as mythical !
9 I think mind you the rest of the walls , everything else is white so
10 ‘ The penalty miss cost us the game , ’ Walker said .
11 So I rang you and then Lyn said yeah I 'll get her to call you and then you rang me back so it was as though Lyn had give you the message to call me
12 He says the man said give me the money .
13 Bob wanted chicken tikka massala and then he said give me the list and wrote down on it two chicken tikka massalas so I look on that and I ca n't see anything two chicken kormas , one and two chicken tikka massalas .
14 Well they 're not receiving excuse me the service and the pleasure of the table and the atmosphere .
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