Example sentences of "[verb] [vb base] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from toys , walking-sticks , postcards and other such tourist necessities , he was also hoping to sell antiquités and the old things he had gathered lay about in an indescribable miscellany .
2 Although today these vital units of the railway system are being phased out by the modern fully automated control centres , there still remains the lonely , isolated signal box , often miles from anywhere , that on a dark winter 's night can conjure up strange happenings and instil fear even in the heart of the most level-headed signalman .
3 The area where the Parsons lived lay not in the desirable temperate zone called North Oxford but further north , too far by half , in the boreal tundra of pre-war suburbia out towards the ring road , beyond which lie the arctic wastes of Kidlington , where first-time buyers huddle in their brick igloos and watch the mortgage rate rising .
4 To play shuffle the cards and place face down in the centre of the
5 But put say like in the Body Shop and get a couple of animal soaps .
6 She wanted to eat her cake and have it , put Georg away in a little box for the future , when she 'd finished having a good time .
7 When we have a complete account of the brain , we are assured , consciousness will be intellectually transparent and the mind will assume its rightful place as just another part of ( physical ) nature , obedient to the laws that hold sway elsewhere in the material universe .
8 However , the ways in which this is done differ significantly in the two systems .
9 I 'd come in in the middle of something .
10 The rock slice is placed face down in a polythene tray into 30% HF solution for 3 or 4 min .
11 And there , as he ( Tethra ) lay face down in the lee of an upturned boat , … he let his thinking catch up with him .
12 Margery had a particular devotion to this saint , whose Revelations she had heard read aloud in an English translation .
13 Buzz found herself lying face up in the snow , in great pain , unable to move : as helpless as a black beetle flipped on to its back .
14 The body was lying face up in the rain .
15 But five days after he moved in he was found by staff horribly scalded across his back and chest lying face up in the bath .
16 It was wholly predictable , then , that at about 8.50 on the morning of Monday , March 17 , I was lying face down in the grammar school dirt with 30 jeering first formers on my back .
17 On the page opposite there is a cartoon of Pissed dressed up in a suit lying face down in the gutter clutching a bottle of lager , and Mickey Aspel coming out from under a manhole cover saying ‘ George Best !
18 Although charges against most of the FORD leaders were dropped by the end of the month , Ahmed Salim Bamahriz , who had escaped arrest earlier in the month , was detained in Mombasa on Nov. 25 .
19 The first batch of five coolies were flung face downward in the red dirt , and under the direction of the burly figure of Phat , half a dozen of his subordinates began lashing at the exposed soles of their bare feet .
20 Both section 6 and the common law rule making contracts void apply only in the absence of any agreement of the parties to the contrary .
21 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
22 Or , one could attempt to see whether the issues raised occur again in the concerns of teachers and pupils as they speak of their experiences of schooling .
23 While continuing to have some interest in biogeography , Darwin nevertheless deflected attention towards inter-species competition as the main driving force of natural selection — a force that continued to operate and produce change even in a perfectly stable environment .
24 You find hope even in the shadow of death . ’
25 She was flung violently forward , to land face down in a heap of blankets , the crushing weight of her assailant forcing all the air out of her body .
26 Mr Peter Jowett , 43 , was found face down in a copse on his 1,000-acre Wiltshire estate on Wednesday night with a .38 bullet lodged in the centre of his back .
27 Now detectives are trying to unravel the mystery of how he came to be found face down in a ditch in a plantation on Scotston Farm , Auchterhouse , nearly eight miles from his home on the Ardler estate in Dundee .
28 In the United States the obvious involvement in the political process of the Supreme Court is due to the court having laid claim early in the nineteenth century to the power of judicial review , that is the right to review the constitutionality of executive and legislative acts .
29 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
30 I mean turn out in the er in , in in er er European elections was er in nineteen eighty four it was thirty two percent and in nineteen er eighty nine , thirty seven percent .
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