Example sentences of "[verb] [det] you can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The existing members were told you can either join the new scheme with its improved benefits , reduced contributions , with certain rules that were operating in favour of the employer that were against them , but it was a balancing act , or if you do n't want that you can stay with the old scheme and continue with exactly the same terms .
2 Given that you can draw all sorts of amazing objects you might not think that you need to edit them much but IntelliDraw has some powerful editing tools .
3 Its dual chart is an attractive option in that it allows you to link two pie or bar chart charts or a pie and a bar chart — as illustrated here ( DUALGRPH ) It also offers Word charts — a variety that it is unusual to find in a spreadsheet but very welcome given that you can use the graphics facilities of SuperCalc 5.5 to prepare slides suitable for use as a presentation to an audience .
4 I mean some you can stop 'em with a s sheet of thick paper or others will go through very solid objects and as you say you need a good sheet of lead to stop it .
5 and then gradually try and re do n't , do n't spend too much time trying to reconstruct the past because that , you know , you just get further and further behind with the present stuff so you know kind of try and at least make sure that , you know , maybe if you get a job you wo n't be able to go to all the classes but at least make sure you , you are in contact with somebody who has that you can get notes off every time , you know , that erm oh hello
6 And then if you can do that you can do any problem of this sort ca n't you ?
7 Or I mean David was saying you can do this you can do that you can do the other you can do this .
8 They ask you that , but they , they say if you do n't do that you can do something else .
9 Or I mean David was saying you can do this you can do that you can do the other you can do this .
10 The Race Relations Act says that you can do this you can have courses especially for black or Asian people so as I said you have to be unemployed you have to be black or Asian and you have to live in either Radford Hyson Green St Annes Lenton or Snainton .
11 You should not take rejection too personally in these circumstances , but you should do all you can to build on the experience .
12 In the meantime , you should quietly do all you can to help her to feel a part of the life of your local community .
13 ‘ And you will do all you can to make my grandmother think you are happy to see her again . ’
14 Erm , I 'll make them , I 'll make them all take away , sorry , discounts , because if you could do those you can do the adding ones .
15 Join us , and give all you can to help us .
16 And two late passes a week and when you 've had those you can get in through the pantry window if the front door 's been locked . ’
17 As soon as you get this you can get on .
18 To do this you can read texts , making systematic changes of person , tense , and vocabulary items .
19 Even if you decide you do n't have a problem now , it makes sense to do all you can to prevent it happening in the future .
20 We would ask everyone to be on the look out for potential student teachers and to do all you can to encourage prospective candidates .
21 Now I 'll let you take that you can take that away obviously to study .
22 To solve this you can save the diagram to a file using : and then view it using an editor .
23 If you can sell biscuits , you can probably sell crisps , but it does n't mean to say that if you can sell these you can sell dresses or bicycles .
24 Brigadier , evidently and we 've heard lots and lots of these stories , and you 've said you think it 's the occasional example but you 're doing all you can to stamp it out , but evidently the Army is a haven for bullies , sadists and rapists .
25 After reading these you can delete the relevant lines , or if you want to be more careful , exclude them with a semi-colon .
26 Let's have a look I 'll leave those you can have a look through some of those and
27 Oh you might as well get all you can mate , ca n't you ?
28 Well wh I think all you can say is , you end up with a , with a package of genes which you got from your parents .
29 This flexibility also means that if you have created a presentation for one output device and want to alter it to suit another you can do so without having to repeat your original efforts .
30 I said All you can do basically is go to a solicitor , get a court order , unless I can persuade the lady herself to let you have the furniture .
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