Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [det] than a " in BNC.

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1 Welch is the first to admit that when the Theatre Royal opened in 1982 it was widely regarded as a white elephant , which quickly became little more than a stopping off point for second-rate touring products .
2 The third National Government followed upon the resignation of the Liberal ministers and of the free trader , Snowden , in September 1932 , after which it became little more than a Conservative government , with the adhesion of a few ex-Labour and Liberal politicians , all owing their seats to an electoral pact with the Conservatives .
3 A settlement was reached in 1972 , but in the 1980s , as the devolution of power to the south became little more than a façade and the economic situation deteriorated , the separatist movement re-emerged .
4 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
5 Within the Council there were no surprises or novelties about the Committee of Ministers : with each state having one vote and a veto , it became little more than an intergovernmental conference of foreign ministers meeting twice yearly .
6 In the end , this is a book without a conclusion — despite its charts , its statistical tables and its thickets of notes , it offers little more than a collection of historical raw material .
7 That is an inadequate answer , given that more than a year ago there was a severe weather crisis throughout the country , especially in the east midlands district where 2 million people were without supplies , some of them for a considerable period .
8 Collaborative change , with negotiation between professional groups and the state , may be the best way forward , but without strong government control it risks becoming little more than a tinkering with the existing system .
9 It was once an important port , but now contains little more than a wharf , the use of which is also limited by the extremely wide range of the Severn Estuary tides .
10 $800 for Solaris 2.0-on-Sparc sounds expensive compared to USL 's $350 for Unix SVR4.2 ( Destiny ) , but SunSoft claims such a price would buy little more than a kernel from USL , and is virtually useless in such form .
11 Rent 's supposed allies appear little more than an improbable amalgam of all those who might be opposed to the regime of Mortimer and Isabella , and it is hard to believe that the conspiracy had such wide-ranging support .
12 Instead of government-rigged prices , they want little more than a reaffirmation of existing anti-dumping rules .
13 The provisions the Committee recommend for inclusion involve little more than a restatement of the existing common law position :
14 Barbados , which even now has little more than a quarter of a million people , has led the way with a roll of honour of mind-boggling proportions .
15 Engineering , which played so central a role in this country 's industrial development , now has little more than a bit part according to many economists and politicians .
16 At the higher levels of government , candidates are usually selected by the top leaders themselves , another element of ‘ top down ’ power , making the actual election process little more than a ‘ rubber stamping ’ exercise .
17 But this book contains much more than an exposition on the background to the Children Act and an explanation of the principles on which it is founded .
18 The little round lawn with its grass path was so bitty that I was tempted to remove it altogether , and the two paved areas seemed too small to accommodate much more than a deckchair .
19 Sharpe knew he was seeing much more than a cavalry raid , though he was not certain whether this was the real invasion .
20 This is the point of view of one novice who discovered that diving offers much more than a free lunch , but should never be taken without tissues .
21 The change to a community-based service … involves much more than a change to the pattern of service provision .
22 But most killers are not homicidal maniacs and the victim contributes much more than a mere coincidence of time and place to his own fate .
23 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
24 At her worst — which is to say , when her performances , all crust and no bread , seemed little more than a rash of mannerisms — she could strike one as impossibly tic-ridden and implausible .
25 In the eyes of a deckhand in his twenties who joined the " Sunderland Union " in the days of John Beresford and who was already a member of the Australian Seamen 's Union , it seemed little more than a " miscellaneous collection of beards and whiskers " including " old greybeards of sixty , seventy and eighty years of age , with little idea of how to conduct business " , who " reflected the pessimistic outlook of their leaders , supposing that everything was wrong and that nothing could be put right " .
26 Meanwhile the war progresses , causing little more than a headache over the shortage of petrol ( p.66 ) .
27 An inexpensive pond heater will solve the problem — and cost little more than a lightbulb to run .
28 Do not repeat this more than a couple of times in rapid succession however , because otherwise the dog may start to interpret this as a game .
29 A concours Mk 1 will fetch much more than a ropy Mk 2 , perhaps six years ( and maybe 100,000 miles ) its junior .
30 As the music powered into focus , it suddenly seemed much more than a mere backdrop for Morrissey 's lyrical diatribes .
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