Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] in the two " in BNC.

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1 So we have followed that plan and in nineteen ninety we conducted a study as to exactly how this could be done , a er an integrated agency management structure was devised and a plan was er produced which would have resulted in the two agencies merging at the beginning of this year at the start of the what was then planned the D I phase .
2 The greatest period of administrative reform in the history of the Habsburg territories had come in the two decades after 1749 ( see pp. 153–4 ) ; here Joseph achieved much less than his mother .
3 He said the police were talking to everyone Angie had seen in the two weeks before she … well … vanished , and so far had come up with nothing .
4 He realized the boy had grown in the two months since he had last seen him and looked at him carefully , noticing the way his wrists poked out of the shirt and the slight roughness of the clear skin .
5 In order to decide what to include in the questionnaire we drew first of all on issues which had emerged in the two case studies .
6 How many mines have closed in the two valleys of the Rhondda ?
7 Like the experiments we have discussed in the two previous sections , these , too , lead to the conclusion that each sentence in discourse is processed clause by clause .
8 Resignations in controlled schools in the Western Area have doubled in the two years since 1990 .
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