Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 I guess that over the last six years television has given him only a quarter of her exposure .
2 This book has given you quite a bit of practical advice — things to actually DO .
3 Though the overall level may not have been as spectacular as it has in years past , the show has built itself quite a substantial following , and most dealers reported ‘ okay ’ business .
4 And if Derry succeed , he will murmur a silent but heartfelt ‘ thank you ’ to Kevin Heffernan , the man who gave him a new outlook and sense of purpose in the sport which has made him both a local and national hero .
5 Perhaps God in his wisdom has told us only a little about the nature and personhood of Satan so that we are not tempted to dwell on him with morbid fascination .
6 Altogether this little girl has cost us quite a lot of money .
7 It has taken me quite a while to be able to do that .
8 I cam away feeling better because I 'd saved myself quite a bit of money , and I 'd done my bit towards helping the environment .
9 Juliet felt quite pleased about this ; the girl was her own age , twenty , and , although she 'd seen her only a few times , she felt drawn to her cheerful , intelligent personality .
10 And she did n't really tell me , it was just that I guessed , I 'd seen them quite a few times , mooning about , and I asked her if she was going to marry him .
11 If we 'd seen it once a year that was often ,
12 He 'd trusted her ; even when everything seemed to point against her , and although he 'd known her only a few short days , he 'd believed in her .
13 Yeah you see I 've got one quite a good broody , you see ,
14 ‘ You would have seen them together a fair bit and it 's just so sad this should happen while they were on holiday . ’
15 ‘ You must have brought him quite a way ? ’
16 ‘ You 'd have thought your Brian could have found you somewhere a bit more comfortable , ’ interposed Mrs Harper , seeing her opportunity of introducing Brian to his disadvantage , ‘ he must know a few folk , it 's not only money that counts . … ’
17 It must have cost her quite a bit too , taking on a man who looks like I look , his fat shoulders and heavy head tensed over the spectacle of her lost or twisted sisters .
18 Must have cost you quite a lot to buy them each a drink .
19 I only live a few doors down the road from Derek and normally it would have taken me just a minute or two , but on this occasion it seemed to take ages .
20 After all , it may have taken them quite a lot of courage to criticize you in the first place .
21 She admitted then she might have liked him quite a lot .
22 ‘ I was watching that nun talking to you — it seems to have given you quite a turn . ’
23 They seem to have got it together a bit more .
24 Marlin had given them both a detailed description of the assailant , and instructions to let nobody up to the second floor without Ms Odell 's permission , and even then they were to accompany the visitor to the apartment door , and escort them out if his guest chose not to see them .
25 I 've enjoyed it quite a lot .
26 ‘ What happened was Chester Thompson brought them all down , because he had met me about a year prior to that and we just corresponded .
27 SUMMERCHILD : Well , I 've noticed it quite a lot these past few months .
28 Lucy remonstrated , when Virginia had made them both a cup of tea and perched herself on the edge of Lucy 's bed .
29 Years at an English public school , punctuated by all-too-brief holidays in Italy , had made him almost a stranger within his family .
30 If she had made it just a few feet further she would have found safety in the homely atmosphere of the estate where she lives with her family .
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