Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now he has got fascinated by the paper as well , he 's made it look like a field of bridal veils , but it 's going to be difficult to keep it in place when we move it at night .
2 What really happened has become over-printed by the fiction .
3 ‘ Our philosophy has become emasculated by the anxiety to propitiate deterministic sciences .
4 The modern world has become dominated by the rational and technical society where specialisation in work is no longer related to traditional skills or crafts ( based in the home ) but to the economic and functional necessity of the marketplace .
5 In an age which has become dominated by the Gross National Product and the Dow — Jones Index , the level of interest rates and the state of the pound , the money supply and the Public Sector Deficit , and at a more mundane level , the Sunday colour supplements offering a world of gourmet food and package holidays in the sun , it is a warning which is easily muffled by our culture .
6 The once vivacious teenager now rarely allows herself a smile , and her lively personality has become buried by the strain of living up to everyone 's expectations .
7 I have not acceded to the application of Madame Bihi to be joined as a representative or other party in this action but I have acceded to her application that I should invite the Attorney-General to appoint an amicus curiae and Mr. Richards has appeared instructed by the Treasury Solicitor .
8 It has remained dominated by the police and operates on the police 's terms ( Stephens , 1988:113 ) .
9 Under East African conditions , with weak indigenous classes , the bureaucracy has succumbed to control by the metropolitan , neo-colonial bourgeoisie in the form of the multinational corporations .
10 He turns , but the girl has managed to flee by the fire escape as Lepine makes his way to the bookstore .
11 Adults were initially more reluctant to discuss their feelings , but may have felt inhibited by the presence of healthcare professionals ; many parents were observed swapping addresses at the end of the meeting .
12 And Minton , like Hopkin , traduced by myth , may likewise have begun to feel by the end of his life that this was the only thing in him , too , that remained inviolate .
13 Nature conservationists and farmers ( who both understand what does happen to abandoned land ) should know better , but in the past few years , seem to have become possessed by the same fear of some dark , prolific genie escaping from the bottle .
14 In the house he now wined and dined in a style that not even Grandfather Funnell had ever done , but all paid for by Grandfather Funnell 's wife , who seemed to have become rejuvenated by the smart , young , fast-talking Mr Jones .
15 John and Angela had travelled out by the Sally Line from Ramsgate to Dunkirk and had intended to return by the same route .
16 It had stopped raining by the time they drew into the courtyard at Headquarters .
17 She looked at them one by one ; she nodded to the people she had seen sewing by the fountain ; she smiled at the old woman and the boy .
18 On his return in mid-December all his colleagues had felt encouraged by the Prime Minister 's buoyancy ; he had conducted the last debates with all his old skill and command of the House .
19 She had felt trapped by the old mesh of loyalty and shame .
20 He had felt betrayed by the visit , after hoping to be lifted out of his crushing depression by it .
21 No it 's cos I 've got done by the other teachers before .
22 Truth had had to go by the board in the work he had been doing during the war and there seemed no point in insisting on using it again .
23 In June residents of Sacramento , California , voted to shut down the $342,000,000 Rancho Seco nuclear plant , and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District , which had agreed to abide by the vote , immediately began to implement its closure .
24 The Monetary Affairs Bureau announced on Jan. 12 that the government had agreed to lift by the second quarter of 1992 the ban on the export of gold , in place since 1949 .
25 Running until their pursuers had become separated by the chase , they would turn and ambush them one after the other .
26 Mariscotti is a professor of physics at the University of Buenos Aires where he had become intrigued by the fact that the university had an old cyclotron , a primitive atom smasher built in the early 1950s , which would make it among the first half-dozen to have been built in the world .
27 One felt that men had become brutalised by the preoccupation of not leaving their company and also not delaying in a place where death was raining down .
28 In many of the above examples the claim was that a third party had become bound by the treaty in whole or in part , and had ceased to be a third party .
29 He had become alarmed by the attempts of a group in the Conservative Party to form a New Progressive Group with 100,000 supporters .
30 Telling speeches in support of abolition were made from the Conservative benches by Sir Edward Boyle and Henry Brooke , the former Home Secretary who had become persuaded by the arguments against capital punishment once free of the cares of office .
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