Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Injury has stripped Fulton of full-back Andrew Ettingshausen and stand-off Laurie Daley .
2 The National Gallery has received letters of support from several international museums and galleries , including Dominique Bozo , director of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris , Gerard Regnier , director of the Picasso Museum , Paris , and Thomas Messer , director emeritus of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York and now chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery in Prague .
3 The trust has received letters of support from Americans who served there during the war and hopes much of the money can be raised in the United States .
4 LINFORD CHRISTIE has received sacks of begging letters following reports about his personal fortune .
5 There is a real sense in which the worker has limited choices of occupation and , consequently , he or she makes the best of what work is available .
6 The prospect of the North Sea quota of 54,800 tonnes running out this month has provoked talk of revolt by Shetland fishermen .
7 The German mining company Uranerz operates the Key Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan , believed to be the world 's largest , which has provoked expressions of concern from local Dene and Cree people , who fear possible radioactive contamination of their land .
8 Disney , which has always refused to concede contractors ' claims , declared yesterday that its payment to CGCE which has undertaken £13.5m of work on the Paris theme park was related ‘ only to those of the group 's claims which are judged to be well-founded . ’
9 Where the petitioner is found not to be entitled to have presented a petition or wished to withdraw his petition or allow it to be dismissed or fails to attend on the hearing , the court may substitute as petitioner any creditor who has given notice of intention to appear , wishes to prosecute the petition and is a creditor who would at the date of presentation of the petition have been in a position himself to present a petition against the debtor ( ie is presently owed more than £750 ) ( r 6.30 ) .
10 Lord Templeman has given examples of Parliament 's encroachments on the principle ( sometimes involving a measure of protection for the person compelled to make disclosure , and sometimes not ) and Lord Ackner , quoting a passage from Cross on Evidence , 7th ed. , p. 427 , has reminded your Lordships that the principle is not immutable .
11 ICI , which had set itself a target of recovering 10 per cent of the CFCs it manufactured for use in cooling systems , has blamed lack of co-operation from local councils , industry and commerce for its failure to recover more than 1 per cent .
12 Green ( 1971 ) has summarized criticisms of village designs , suggesting that the new development tends to be dull and monotonous , that many layouts lack open spaces , and there is a lack of footpaths and loop roads to link new housing to schools , shops and buses .
13 To take a particular instance , Martin Amis 's The Moronic Inferno , published in 1986 , is a collection of reprinted journalistic pieces on life , literature , and culture in contemporary America , a country for which he has mixed feelings of attraction and repulsion .
14 With dependence has come lack of dependability .
15 Once they 've got their hooks into you , they will never let go — and the Office of Fair Trading has reported cases of interest charges topping one million per cent .
16 Redcar off-licence manager Bob Thomas has won £150 of shopping vouchers in a Coca-Cola sales initiative .
17 Jan. 20 Radio Mogadishu reports that Siyad Barre has accepted resignation of government of Prime Minister Mohammed Hawadie Madar , and asked Umar Arteh Ghalib , a former Foreign Minister who had been released from house arrest to serve on the reconciliation committee , to form a government .
18 And the princess has accepted gifts of jewellery worth several million pounds .
19 ESSENTIALLY a cutesy platform romp , New Zealand Story ( Master System ) tells the tale of a rather dodgy walrus who has kidnapped loads of kiwi chicks and sold them to a zoo in New Zealand .
20 The apple has suffered delusions of grandeur for centuries — ever since the Biblical legend of Adam and Eve reached north-west Europe and people assumed that the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge was an apple .
21 In this way , he has moved consideration of film genre from the broad , structural categories of earlier film theory to historically attentive readings , informed by a knowledge of both forms and institutions .
22 Or let us not forget that research on Japan in the 1930s has revealed conflicts of interest between and within the military , zaibatsu , politicians and the bureaucracy .
23 A stock check at the end of last year has revealed £45,000 of stock , valued at cost , that is considered obsolete .
24 Recent research , aided by aerial photography , has revealed traces of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century formal gardens of a type that was thought to have been entirely destroyed during the naturalistic craze of the eighteenth century .
25 Dun says it has done $5m of business on SmartStream since launch last summer , has some 30 customers , with five orders over $300,000 : the software is aimed at organisations doing $150m a year and up .
26 D&B says it has done $5m of business on SmartStream since its debut last summer , has some 30 customers , with five orders worth over $300,000 : the software is aimed at organisations with revenues in excess of $150m .
27 Through Christ , God has made sense of time , and the moment of his ‘ breaking in ’ becomes the moment of discovery , hope and salvation .
28 However , Windows has made ease of use and presentation-quality graphics a priority .
29 It seems that there has been no period of time during which man has endeavoured to conduct and control his affairs without providing for himself a worshipable entity or being to whom he can appeal , and to whom he has attributed powers of control over all that happens in the universe , particularly on earth .
30 Initially , this policy has shown signs of success , with some ‘ footloose ’ firms moving part of their operations into areas of high unemployment .
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