Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Since 1985 he has taught students at the School of Biological and Health Sciences about nutrition , training , sport and health aspects of exercise .
2 Haacke has provoked resignations at the Guggenheim , and storms at the Tate over Charles Saatchi .
3 For the last two years Bob Mayhew has given demonstrations at the Horse and Rider Show which have proved very popular , and this year has been requested to give a teach-in at the Olympia Christmas Show .
4 The £10,000 scheme has lifted spirits at the school which is close to imported coal mountains at Gladstone Dock .
5 Candy Morris has amazed doctors at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford.Just two weeks ago her foot was almost severed when she fell into this shredding machine at her own paper baling business .
6 The 32-year old has had talks at the Racecourse with the Robins ' boss who said it was premature to talk about concluding a deal .
7 The 32-year old has had talks at the Racecourse with Wrexham manager Brian Flynn .
8 Road in Toten , that 's the A six double O five has got roadworks at the junction of Lane , some delays in busy periods and the A fifty two , there 's roadworks on the northbound carriageway at Clifton Bridge , there are diversions there for A fifty two traffic heading for Drive as well , sort of weave your way in and out of all the cones that are up there , the the cone monster 's been in the night .
9 Five local schools are now involved and the province has started teams at the under 17 and 19 levels .
10 There is not one of the erroneous and superstitious beliefs of mankind that are supposed to have been superseded but has left vestiges at the present day in the lower strata of civilized peoples or even in the highest strata of cultivated society .
11 The first computer dedicated solely to investigating climate change has begun operations at the Meteorological Office 's Hadley Centre at Bracknell .
12 He has coached youngsters at the Freddie Mills boxing club .
13 Formerly with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , he has held posts at the British Embassy in Madrid and the Western European department , Whitehall .
14 But they were turned back by police who 'd found drugs at the scene .
15 Stephen Windsor was speaking after he 'd asked judges at the High Court in Edinburgh to use special powers to allow new evidence to be heard .
16 Central South 's badminton star Julie Bradbury is having mixed fortunes at the All England Open at Wembley .
17 Central South 's badminton star Julie Bradbury is having mixed fortunes at the All England Open at Wembley .
18 Elsewhere in the Black Country in 1741 , William Hutton might also have seen women at the family forges making chains , nuts , bolts and screws , though these were much less populated trades than was nail making .
19 It might have moderated things at the margins , but it has done little to address or solve issues of economic decline , deprivation or inadequate housing in the cities .
20 I 'm sure you could have got tickets at the door if you had wanted them early .
21 Changes in the management team and consequent changes in investment policy which may or may not have yielded benefits at the time of the dividend increase .
22 Twenty-one Serbian villagers were reported to have been killed on 22 August by Croatian security forces carrying out house-to-house searches in the villages of Kinjacka , Cakle and Trnjani for insurgents believed to have fired mortars at the town of Sisak .
23 The final communiqué of the Turnberry meeting noted that the ministers had instructed negotiators at the CFE talks to pursue " new approaches " , particularly on the numbers of aircraft and armour and on verification , in order to speed up progress towards a CFE agreement in 1990 .
24 But perhaps she had seen others at the tree tops , for she clattered her talons violently on the top of her cage , crashed down on to its concrete floor , her wings smashing against the branch that projected across her cage , and then lunged forward at the door of her cage , driven by an impulse that spoke of a terrible longing to be free .
25 Once or twice Bully had made bites at the basket .
26 In an 1884 case , the Divisional Court held that an artisan whose wife had bought blankets at the door for 22/6d when he had given her permission to spend but 17/6d , could not be held liable for the extra sum .
27 Launching a sugar plantation took a great deal of capital and the planters were always short of money ; many of them had bought estates at the high land prices of the boom , and most of them felt they owed it to themselves to live in a gentlemanly way that ignored debts .
28 Seven thousand people who had bought tickets at the cheap rate in the following week were obliged to pay a surcharge .
29 Claims in a leaked report circulated by French officials at the meeting , purporting to show that MacSharry had offered concessions at the Chicago talks inconsistent with the CAP , were dismissed on Nov. 16 as " fantastic " by the UK Agriculture Minister John Gummer .
30 I 've got rooms at the Dominicans ’ ; that 'll do .
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