Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , when intercepting or correcting on ADF , the pointers will show the Track QDM/QDR on interception .
2 Branson had fully intended to keep his word on not seeing or communicating with Joan for three months .
3 The harassment occurs as a result of the effect various suggestions , jokes , touching or showing of pictures has on the recipient .
4 For many people , singing or playing at services is perhaps their only link with the Church , and it may well prove to be a temporary one .
5 It is necessary , therefore , to make as attractive as possible the opportunities and challenge of singing or playing in church .
6 Until the passing of the Forster Education Act in 1870 , most training in music was obtained primarily , if not solely , through singing or playing in churches , chapels and cathedrals .
7 In this case it 's mine , and meant for launching or switching between applications .
8 because it is not worth litigating or suing for claims below a certain sum ;
9 Between the 1st day of July 1987 and the 15th day of October 1987 conspired together and with other persons fraudulently to induce persons to enter into agreements for acquiring or subscribing for securities , namely shares in Blue Arrow plc , by making statements which they knew to be misleading , false or deceptive or by dishonestly concealing material facts or by recklessly making statements which were misleading , false or deceptive namely : 1.1 By failing to notify the Company Announcements Office of the Quotations Department of the International Stock Exchange by way of a Class 2 announcement ( as provided for by Section 6 of the Council of the Stock Exchange 's admission of securities to listing ) following the purchase of shares in Manpower Incorporated for a consideration in excess of 5 per cent of the consolidated net assets of Blue Arrow ; 1.2 By concealing the fact that the level of Acceptances of provisionally allotted new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow was 38.04 per cent at the expiry of the offer by way of rights issue at 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.3 By concealing the fact that 54,625,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow were taken up after 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.4 By falsely stating that , in connection with the rights issue of 504.4 million new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow , acceptances had been received in respect of 246.5 million shares which represented 48.9 per cent of the rights issue .
10 They are very lightweight and proved ideal to use as a back up when walking or cycling in shorts .
11 Exploring it means either walking or travelling by mokoro , a shallow punt in which you are poled along reedy channels and across carpets of water-lilies by tireless guides .
12 While this is happening we may get into standing , walking or sitting in ways that are a strain on the body .
13 Scathach 's horse panicked and he shouted at the creature , which stamped in the water , twisting and tugging with discomfort .
14 Five-bedroom , double-garaged properties , individually designed and standing in plots of well over an acre .
15 I spend days walking and looking for compositions .
16 Paul Traynor is a freelance journalist who has been walking and backpacking at home and abroad for over 25 years
17 The hierarchy of facilities provided for walking and cycling in Buxtehude is thus extensive as Figure 6.20 shows , ranging from pedestrianised areas , pedestrian priority routes , shared tracks for walking and cycling , cycle lanes along main routes , cycle priority streets and cycle lanes in roads .
18 Contrast the English praise of a widow at a funeral , ‘ she held up well ’ , with the ritualised outpouring of Iranian grief , complete with howling , wailing and tearing of hair — ‘ What am I going to answer the children when you ask me where is their father ?
19 Australian captain Woodfull is hit by a ball form Larwood in the Adelaide Test : a violent eruption of booing and shouting by spectators was triggered
20 Now high summer was browning and mellowing into autumn .
21 Children raised in a middle-class family in which the parents and grandparents were university-educated are likely to be brought up in an environment in which reading and learning are stressed and going to university is encouraged .
22 Specific topics included purchasing and selling to Hong Kong subcontractors .
23 And it was n't self-pity that kept her tossing and turning till dawn
24 The conclusion kept her tossing and turning in despair for hours , the sound of traffic in the High Street a poor substitute for the lulling boom of the sea round Gullholm .
25 It was erm it 's the first time that I 'd come across , I mean I 'd been a little bit of experience on , on inland waterways in Windsor er which I 'd lost when I went to Leicester and Lincoln I came back here of course and now we had the North Sea and the docks and erm that was a new area and a , and a really good challenge erm I particularly got involved with , with things like erm the movement of chemicals which was beginning to increase and coming into Felixstowe and , and er and , and er Ipswich erm and when I think back Felixstowe Dock , looking back , ended where the big jumbo tank , the Calor Gas tank is , that , that was the sort of range of Felixstowe Dock in those days .
26 Loch Cairnbawn carries the waters of Eddrachillis Bay deep into the mainland 's interior , penetrating the coastal hills , becoming constricted at a narrow strait , and then widening and dividing into Loch Glendhu and Loch Glencoul , both inurned amongst wild mountains .
27 Second , that having worked hard in the acting profession all my life , the last thing I would enjoy was working the clock round every summer when I could be sunbathing and swimming in Bala Lake .
28 She fell back and pulled the blanket over her face , cackling and wheezing with delight .
29 Lieutenant Shepard Chisango died in police custody in 1991 , after gathering evidence of army poaching and smuggling in Mozambique .
30 All three aunts are fast asleep , snoring and dreaming in unison .
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