Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're unsure of the kinds of things they sell or simply want to know more about the kind of service they provide , give them a call before paying them a visit .
2 Many hallucinated that they were shrinking or else expanding to fill it .
3 The animal may have been wounded or simply have deteriorated so much that it is no longer able to catch deer and other prey .
4 Ideologies have been either discarded or else molded to fit with the experience of history .
5 At the beginning of the line , the aircraft all start from the same common stock , but as they progress the goodies are added or not added according to the order .
6 The camera can be preset or remotely controlled to cover the subject or area to be photographed , and provision made for a sequence of pictures or a single exposure , according to the camera type and its shutter release .
7 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
8 As such , criminal law categories are resources , tools , instruments , designed and then used to criminalize , demoralize , incapacitate , fracture and sometimes eliminate those problem populations perceived by the powerful to be potentially or actually threatening the existing distribution of power , wealth , and privilege .
9 As a consequence of the suggestion Laureen Williamson was approached and readily agreed to undertake the daunting task .
10 In defensive mood , and not with complete truth , Dostoevsky wrote to Katkov : ‘ I do not know and never have known either Nechaev or Ivanov , or the circumstances of the murder , except from the newspapers .
11 If mothers receive a benefit which they are expected and indeed do spend to service the needs of their families , then this re-confirms them as the day-to-day managers of household finances , which for millions of women is not only a chore but also a source of considerable anxiety ( McClelland , 1982 ) .
12 How could he do this to her — forever turning up when he was least expected and always managing to catch her at a disadvantage ?
13 The full fiery rage of the nun was something that Mrs Carroll had not expected and never wanted to know again .
14 Wanted to disappear and never have to see him again .
15 His model of utilitarian punishment was exemplified most famously in the Panopticon — a prison he designed and narrowly failed to persuade the British government to let him build .
16 I 'm not the sort of person who gets what they want and then starts longing for something else .
17 It can be a different matter where staff are overworked and underpaid and still expected to smile constantly .
18 Study of three dots , charged , discharged and variously weighted reveals that : ( 1 ) Symmetry , as presented in a void by the equilateral trio , is static .
19 Then , against all her better instincts , she stopped and slowly turned to look back down Lyra Street .
20 A further three wells were drilled and successfully tested to appraise the field — the last being completed in 1991 .
21 At the very least they must be contained and never allowed to sally out .
22 Elderly residents are being downgraded and sometimes have to share rooms , and that situation will get worse .
23 They were unprepared to accept the structure of the initial conference proposed since it excluded and therefore tended to outlaw further the DRA regime .
24 This will certainly be the case if the people concerned at the local level take this view , failing to grasp the strategic role that they have always claimed but often failed to deliver convincingly because of time spent on day-to-day operational matters .
25 ‘ He 'd always been keen to try but never seemed to have the time .
26 Since then he has had three wives , a mentally-handicapped daughter he adores but barely saw grow up , and spent years scratching a living in the backwaters of showbusiness .
27 While there are proper ways of doing things , it is up to the individual to choose or not to choose to do them .
28 Poulenc rarely achieves or even tries to emulate his fellow countryman 's emotional intensity , although the more overtly entertaining and witty numbers can suddenly catch you out with a characteristically bitter-sweet volte-face .
29 How many courses or conferences have you attended or even seen advertised that mention children in their titles ?
30 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
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