Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 's going to try and get me into Combe Court .
2 I was horribly afraid then that you must know and hate me for my disloyalty to Anthony . ’
3 My pouch-seat automatically deepened and clutched me like an egg .
4 John was supposed to come and meet me from work to carry my heavy shopping and then changed plans and he had just walked in with JONATHAN ( proper name JIMMY ) .
5 I said that if any of them would like to come and see me at home , I would explain exactly what was happening .
6 The minute they say well , no that 's no good to me , you 'll have to come and , you 'll have to come and see me at eight , say , well I 'm busy then I 'm afraid .
7 I mean you 'll have to come and see me about that because it 's fairly confidential so but they are very very good .
8 ‘ Invite you to come and see me on your next leave , ’ she laughed .
9 There were several others who used to come and see me in Baldersdale , particularly after the first television programme went out in January 1973 , including some of the nurses .
10 She phoned and told me about your visit this afternoon ; however , I shall reserve the right to be sceptical a while longer .
11 I jumped into the car after my mum , dad and sister had squeezed and kissed me to death and did up my seat belt .
12 There was a bit of head-scratching as they pushed , squeezed and levered me into the passenger seat : ‘ The biggest bloke yet ’ .
13 Ryan stopped and clapped me on the shoulder .
14 She stopped and drew me behind a screen of goldenrod , tangled and wild like a neglected hedgerow .
15 I would like to invite members to stand and join me in a few moments silence in memory of Doctor .
16 She loosened up after she 'd had a bit to drink and told me about it .
17 It was as if he had turned and hit me with his fist , I could n't hide it .
18 Once , when we were going up one of the main avenues in the city a lump of thawing snow fell from a tree under which we were passing and hit me on the face .
19 And the police came and interviewed me about it .
20 And on a Saturday with Jenny going in if there 's any overtime you and old what's-a-name was there and he came and tapped me on the shoulder .
21 Afterwards Aunt Louise came and took me to her room , leading the way up a strange little creaking curving staircase .
22 Mrs Donnan came and took me by the hand .
23 Well , it did n't do them much good May Lee came and rescued me In fact she seized me by the arm ‘ Well ? ’ she said
24 And oh probably after this meeting , not now , apparently Peter came and see me about samples procedure , I E marketing .
25 She was at court every time with me , and she came and visited me at Holloway .
26 Shouting and threatening me in front of the kids , like .
27 There the bailiffs pushed and shoved me through a porticoed entrance , down a long , dark , musty passageway into the main well of the court , fastening me to the bar ; beyond it sat the three magistrates before a square table ringed by clerks .
28 Crilly wakes and tells me about when he was little and slept in the same room as his father , while his sisters slept with his mother .
29 But it was not until I was at Cambridge , in the following year , that my mother noticed and took me to the family doctor .
30 ‘ So he can stay and assist me with my enquiries . ’
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