Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bucephalus became Alexander 's constant companion for the next eighteen years , and Alexander rode Bucephalus in all the wars and campaigns that were to make his empire larger than any other that had ever preceded it .
2 Though Caedwalla remained unbaptized until after his abdication as king in 688 , it is not inconceivable that he approached Wilfrid in such a capacity , and certainly by the time of his abdication Caedwalla had resolved to seek baptism in Rome itself .
3 He found Stenurus in all the other bodies of this stranding .
4 When Kent played Surrey in 1890 a fine spread was laid on for the gentlemen but the professionals ‘ were left to shift for themselves , and thought themselves lucky to get a bit of bread and cheese ’ .
5 When he joined Littlewoods in 1983 the company was just emerging from a disastrous turn in fortunes that had seen profits plummet from £49 million in 1978 to £11.5 million two years later .
6 They had demolished Leeds in such a pyschologically damaging fashion on Saturday at Maine Road that Howard Wilkinson 's side were steeling themselves for disappointment .
7 By the time the second oil shock hit Japan in 1979–80 the rate of inflation had been brought under tight control by a sharp reduction in the level of wage increases , energy-saving technology had been introduced , stricter pollution controls were enacted and LDP support had revived .
8 The fans knew that very little had happened at the match , but on the way picture , aided by songs , ‘ We took Swindon and all of them in it , We took Swindon in half a minute … ’
9 When the railway reached Torquay in 1848 a public holiday was declared .
10 When Charles II and the Scots invaded England in 1651 the gathered churches raised forces to fight under Harrison against them .
11 The new congregation has a heaven sent opportunity to begin again to do all it can in public worship to present Christ in such a way that those who do n't know him can find him .
12 How do I encounter God in such a way that I can call the meeting sacramental ?
13 But she knew she could n't have gone and left Jeff in such a fix .
14 ‘ Is Jean-Paul the reason you left England in such a hurry ? ’
15 We do not believe that it is necessary to placate God in such a way .
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