Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Or I mean David was saying you can do this you can do that you can do the other you can do this .
2 He realized Maisie was kissing him .
3 Why has Tod been frittering my life away like this ?
4 Then he took a bite of his passion cake and asked , ‘ How come Jake 's marrying her if she 's so awful ?
5 I expect Oliver 's given you the impression that I was a virgin when I got married .
6 Here , Ritschl was following up a famous dictum of Luther 's younger contemporary and associate , Philip Melanchthon in his Loci Communes of 1521 , ‘ To know Christ is to know his benefits , not … to contemplate his natures . ’
7 How come Eric 's calling you ? ’
8 Sources close to Woody , 56 , say Mia is owed nothing .
9 I recalled Nigel 's telling me that he got tired of signing his name , which was a long one , on forms required by local government each week and for which his office was responsible , and started signing Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler and other such notable figures of history .
10 I hope Hendry 's brought his golf clubs because he 'll need them next week . ’
11 And I noticed Otley was admiring himself in the mirror a lot these days , the predatory gleam back in his hazel eyes , sometimes gold sometimes green , according to where the light was coming from .
12 Even so , I noticed Rosie was doing it , and that was quite a sight too !
13 I forgot Mr was having it .
14 Berlin took their pick , then allowed Sotheby 's to sell what was left over .
15 Oak Marketing realised the solution to selling Brewking was to take it direct to the people and explain its process face to face .
16 Last night a spokesman for the company confirmed Bairdwear was closing its Aycliffe operation .
17 Do you think Oliver is enjoying himself ? ’
18 With this last push Penguin is building her up for HarperCollins to take over , for she is on the move .
19 Hewlett-Packard hears DEC is rewriting its Alpha instructions .
20 As things developed Piłsudski was to mix his own highly individual style of socialism with Polish nationalism in a manner reminiscent of James Connolly 's Irish socialism , and was to remain hostile to the Soviet Union until his death .
21 I know Pauline was saying she 's had to buy some coal
22 I do n't think Billy 's telling him enough to be honest .
23 Through the discipline of such action , that is , through karma yoga , which involves ahi sā , we come to the realization of Truth or God , for to realize God is to see Him in all that lives , and to recognize our oneness with all creation .
24 He also criticised the way re-married Roussel was raising his daughter .
25 Potatoes , some broccoli erm Brian 's having kiev , chicken kievs Mary 's having something out of our bake something and I 'm having cold lamb .
26 Over a mile , the only sensible way to ride Pendero was to use his stamina , not hold him up .
27 That is why we have designated this Sunday as a Pledge Day and asked our people to pledge what they believe God is calling them to give towards the Project over the next few years .
28 I believe God is calling me to full-time service .
29 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
30 It is a cry of triumph , greeting God 's showing himself in the midst of his people .
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