Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] given [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Joanne has since given birth to Feathers ' daughter .
2 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
3 Finniston takes issue , however , with the view that the next generation of managers will find themselves working within a post-industrial society , where manufacturing industry has largely given way to a dependence on the service industries .
4 It has nevertheless given rise to such widespread misunderstanding in subsequent interpretations of his model that Keynes would have done better to exclude all discussion of money wage rigidity from the main body of the General Theory .
5 A WOMAN who was told she could never have children due to a rare disease has just given birth to a daughter .
6 This horse has just given birth to a foal .
7 This mare has just given birth to a foal .
8 The second largest horse has just given birth to a foal .
9 The second largest mare has just given birth to a foal .
10 ‘ We were over the moon and had a great sense of achievement — as if we 'd done something terribly clever , ’ says Susi , who has just given birth to her first baby .
11 But in the same way that real poverty has always given birth to real revolution , this feigned poverty of the adventurous would breed a false-bottomed , jerry-built revolution in which the adventurers would continue their make-believe and be followed by the rock-concert lumpen , tired of their own voyeurism . ’
12 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
13 The distinction between the intermediate and the aggravated offence has also given rise to adverse comment .
14 Housing policy in this country has traditionally given priority to children 's needs and we would find it very worrying if that priority were eroded in any way by the introductions of policies aiming to discriminate against children in one setting i.e. children of lone parent families .
15 But the way these sales have been conducted has simultaneously given rise to housing ghettos , along the lines of those in North American cities .
16 Salt has received much bad publicity in recent years as a major contributory factor to heart disease , but the initial hysteria has now given way to the theory that salt in quantity will only be to the detriment of those people prone to heart disease from other causes .
17 If one can hazard one generalization from the responses to this question , it is that the early enthusiasm for undergraduate interdisciplinary ventures which was evident in the 1970s has now given way to a more ambivalent attitude , perhaps because the practical institutional and professional problems have become more evident , a view found also in the OECD ‘ Interdisciplinarity Revisited ’ report ( Levin and Lind 1985 ) .
18 It is a ‘ dressed ’ look ; old jeans and misshapen tee-shirts have absolutely no place here ; neither , anymore , does the archetypal Keegan perm and glam-rock hairstyle of the seventies , which has now given way to the smoothly sculpted cut with every hair in its layered place .
19 The Secretary of State 's catchphrase ’ smaller is better ’ has now given way to ’ so small that it is almost non-existent ’ in regard to 15 Para .
20 The Board of Education has now given effect to the intimation conveyed by Mr. Acland and vaguely announced by him at the Annual meeting .
21 The Imperial Russian tradition of grand display pieces has painlessly given birth to Grigorovich 's epics — grand , without doubt , but lumpen compared with Balanchine 's irreverent classicism or MacMillan 's exploratory dance-dramas .
22 I am afraid that by taking the extraordinary measure of stapling this report ‘ because some of the contents are so disturbing ’ , Amnesty has again given credence to the belief that recent torture in Kuwait has been more terrible than in any other part of the world , whereas the repugnant patterns of pain-infliction described are all too familiar from Iran , from Myanmar , Amin 's Uganda , a South America , South Africa etc .
23 One of his first designs was ‘ the Simple Working Chair ’ , produced in 1984 , which has subsequently given comfort to thousands of people .
24 She mentions that once , having just given birth to a child , she was ordered by Christ to get up and go to Norwich , though her journey appeared to be without purpose .
25 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
26 Ramapithecus lasted for about 7 million years and may have then given rise to the first true hominid , Australopithecus , which has a similar dental structure .
27 The earlier deluge had eventually given way to more normal rain , and now finally that too had passed .
28 They looked together at the one about the woman who had said she would give anything for a child , of any kind , even a hedgehog , and had duly given birth to a monster , half-hedgehog , half-boy .
29 This is well-illustrated by the plentiful funerary monuments of hellenistic Boiotia , which retain features , such as the simple naming of the dead man without patronymic , which in other parts of the Greek world had long given way to more sophisticated formulae ; and Boiotia retained her local script till the age of Epaminondas in the fourth century .
30 In Plutarch 's account Isis had already given birth to her son Horus , but Egyptian sources relate that she conceived the child from her husband 's dead body .
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