Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Joseph rode slowly from the southern end of the camp , with five warriors walking beside him and leaning against his horse 's flanks .
2 It differs greatly from the family-based structuring of human life with its stress on the long-term bond between mates .
3 Britain can glean much from the Australian experience .
4 His pursuit of the same approach in his cantatas arose perhaps from a firm conviction of what would succeed in a genre so closely allied to opera , perhaps from innate conservatism .
5 This formula differs somewhat from the classical Hertz expression for elastic deformation of a plane by a rigid sphere .
6 Tumours developed only from the CC-M2T cell line within six weeks .
7 They were awarded damages for this loss of ordinary business which arose naturally from the late delivery .
8 But it , as I have suggested , the structures of identity formation at work here are fundamental to our existing cultural forms , they can not be considered as stemming only from the psychoanalytic tradition .
9 The anthropologist 's social structure must be pieced together from a muddling mass of statements that Indians make about kinship connections , group names , ancestral derivations , linguistic affiliations , geographical sites , and so on …
10 Edmund 's Welsh alliance has to be pieced together from a twelfth-century poet , a contemporary German bishop , and two skaldic poems .
11 When invited to lecture at Cheltenham Art Gallery he merely read aloud from a printed copy of his talk , Speculations on the Contemporary Painter .
12 ‘ 'The social principles of Christianity preach cowardice , self-contempt , abasement , submissiveness , meekness — ’ she read aloud from the early works of Marx , which she had never returned to the library , property being theft , and knowledge free for everyone .
13 Singing constantly from a prominent post or in flight , they show off their beautiful spring black , white , grey and buff spring plumage in the hope it will prove irresistible to the first passing female .
14 Correlations in this area , especially in non-Marxist work but still in most Marxist work hitherto , have tended to proceed less from the steady analysis of evidence than from relatively a priori concepts , usually of a strictly contemporary kind , to which such evidence as there is is illustratively added .
15 There followed a rather more conventional period where his activities seem to have differed little from the other young gentlemen of his day ; he studied scientific works on medicine and the natural sciences and pursued a particular interest in taking thermometer readings under varying conditions , including some from the craters of Italian volcanoes .
16 France had been the major supporter of Euratom ; as the only one of the Six already possessing a nuclear programme , it obviously hoped to benefit most from the joint funding of the Community and to establish a domination of the nascent industry .
17 They are the teeth that stand to benefit most from the conservative approach advocated by Dr Anusavice and like-minded practitioners .
18 He started painting professionally from an early age , and was soon contributing regularly to publications such as Punch , Illustrated London News and the Graphic newspaper .
19 To demonstrate something of the scope of the task which children have to undertake , this chapter examines one area of written discourse where language use deviates widely from the nearest oral counterparts , and where many variants have no oral counterpart at all .
20 The bundle she had disturbed eddied a few inches into the deeper water and as Wexford watched , a thin pale hand , lifeless as the agate-veined stones , rose slowly from the sodden cloth , its fingers hanging yet pointing towards him .
21 In this process in which the psychiatrist ( or psychoanalyst ) looks outwards from the individual psyche into his patient 's social network , he inevitably moves into territory which the social anthropologist ( and in Europe the sociologist ) regards as his — hence , of course , the boundary disputes alluded to above .
22 Haw , haw ! ’ — would not have differed greatly from an average week in your average sit-com .
23 Dead cells are shed constantly from the upper layer and replaced by cells from the lower layers .
24 The les fortunate guests had to come daily from the new hotel on Persepolis or even form Shiraz , forty miles away .
25 Finally , Objectives 5(a) and 5(b) differed somewhat from the previous four in not being concerned with industrialisation as such , but with rural re-structuring and development .
26 The Kingsley Club overlooked the wild and rugged Bathsheba beach , where huge boulders rose majestically from the thundering Atlantic surf .
27 The report adds that the question of " burden sharing " is crucial , as past accumulations of greenhouse gases have come largely from the industrialised world while future growth is likely to come increasingly from the developing nations .
28 Cole ( 1986 ) has investigated twelve high-use and twelve low-use campsites located away from the main tourist access routes in three desert vegetation types consisting of desert scrub , catclaw ( Acacia greggi ) and piñon-juniper ( Pinus edulie–Juniperus osteosperma ) communities .
29 One of the most powerful , problem-solving methods is to work backwards from the hoped-for solution .
30 Has the building been changed from the original by additions and alterations , and are these cracking away from the main building ?
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