Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When she 's taking solids , she wo n't want much at each meal .
2 To detect any contamination of samples before breaking the code , negative controls of sterile water were included with the samples in a ratio of one negative control per three samples and treated identically at each stage .
3 A few checks will soon show which tags ( if any ) connect together at each position of the switch .
4 So I gave myself just half an hour to get to the theatre and prepare for curtain up — and phoned home at each interval .
5 Chuck peered intently at each girl they passed , but without exception they avoided his gaze .
6 At these moments he looks closely at each inch of her face , like a valuer frowningly examining some precious object .
7 Pick an open , clear piece of water and close your eyes for small intervals which you gradually make longer at each attempt .
8 In an hour they were all ready and stood in the parlour looking humorously at each other in their best shirts of white linen and clean breeches .
9 You can SCAN , which involves just looking quickly at each page , to pick out anything which you recognise as being relevant to you , and which you can then read in detail ( scanning involves looking for keywords ) .
10 It was only as we were doing this and grinning inanely at each other that I noticed the red Transit van turning out of the other end of the street .
11 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
12 Cameron and Menzies were looking seriously at each other .
13 he or she does not need to look ponderously at each piece on the board to be sure whether it as a pawn or a king .
14 The iron-clad Monitor and Merrimack hammered away at each other in the American Civil War .
15 After that just forest , mile after mile of pines , the track worsening noticeably at each junction .
16 Look carefully at each elevation for cracks , damp , bulges or any kind of distress ( see Chapter 4 ) .
17 From April 1989 all participants , positive and negative for HIV , underwent physical examination and , in addition to serological tests , immunological tests were performed routinely at each visit .
18 The two men nodded warily at each other .
19 The men glanced quickly at each other .
20 Oblivious to the milling crush around them , they stood staring delightedly at each other .
21 Individuals feed and grow slowly , spending longer at each growth stage and ultimately producing fewer eggs .
22 And so the lines had been drawn for the battle that still raged , feminists and FAMILY glaring balefully at each other over the dying body of the welfare state .
23 She begins by saying , ‘ We all know that Sean and Michael had a bit of a barney today ’ ( Sean and Michael smile sheepishly at each other ) … ‘ and everyone else wanted to see …
24 The two men were now staring fixedly at each other .
25 The two boys looked uneasily at each other , but said nothing .
26 Bold and extrovert characters , they would sit on the bedroom balcony and shout raucously at each other , but they really are quite handsome birds .
27 Even the pair of plumed cockatoos that normally chattered away at each other in their wrought-iron enclosure were asleep on their perches .
28 They stared glumly at each other for a few moments , before Laura shrugged .
29 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
30 Christina joined in whilst James and Elaine looked helplessly at each other .
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