Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Sandeep , used only to life in a Bombay high-rise , is hypnotised by the daily rituals going on around him — his aunt rubbing oil into her black hair , his uncle retiring to the lavatory with an ashtray , a newspaper and a pair of reading glasses .
2 Some of the last-gasp attempts to save the Nationalist governments that were considered in Washington — with the wilder arpeggios such as encouraging the fragmentation of China or even , apparently , a series of punitive air strikes against the Chinese communists ( not to mention the sheer fantasy of creating ten new Chinese armies in six months ) — originated in the Far Eastern division of the State Department , and in fact the Administration , says Blum , had come close to re-intervention in the Chinese civil war on the mainland , but backed away at the last minute when it discovered that there was no viable force left to support .
3 On another page we read of a homeless man being allowed to freeze nearly to death in the centre of our capital city , and having both legs amputated from frostbite .
4 There are presses which are strictly private in the Carter sense , operating in anything from a back kitchen to a fully equipped shop , perhaps content simply to joy in the smell of printer 's ink and the magic of creation , without aiming to sell a single book ; publishing firms calling themselves presses who rightly pride themselves on the high quality of their output ; commercial printers who are equally jealous of the standard of their press work ; teaching establishments attached to universities , colleges and schools for experimental and training purposes ; official presses , controlled by governmental or other agencies ; fugitive and clandestine presses , often short-lived and hazardously operated , because of an adverse political or religious climate , or because their owners are dodging copyright laws ; and there is a hotch-potch of firms who pretentiously arrogate to themselves the word ‘ press ’ , to which they have little or no right in terms of either fine printing or independence .
5 But recent reality had also taken its toll : his father 's lamented death , his guitar teacher 's suicide , and that of a cousin ; the presence of his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein , now reduced unhappily to senility in his mother 's house ( at which he would surprise Leonard by encountering him suddenly , in odd moments of clarity , saying , ‘ Oh , yes , you 're the writer , are n't you ? ’ ) created other pressures .
6 The next morning , I came home to defiance in the face of defeat and 50 Scots Labour MPs , the Fighting Fifty .
7 The same rate will usually be applied both to blockwork in partitions and cavity walls . )
8 Successful and loving couple Jessie and Mark are looking forward to life in their new love-nest .
9 He had worked hard all his life and had served his country for four years and was looking forward to retirement in the home he had worked for all his days .
10 THERE should be excitement leading eventually to excitation in the scientific community following President Reagan 's statement last week of his faith in science and scientists .
11 The naming of tunes in Gaelic dancing has as much to do with the whim of the moment as with anything portentous : ‘ Upstairs in a Tent ’ , or ‘ The Clock on the Dresser ’ , or ‘ The Walls of Limerick , owe more to whimsy in the kitchen on the night than to any attempt by the musician to give his tune immortality .
12 The development of relevant critical factors needs to be based on a properly sequenced series of requirements leading logically to success in the market place and hence NPV .
13 Worried about the impact of television on social habits , and disillusioned with British life , they constructed films depicting the destruction of traditional cultural forms , the dead-end nature of the proletarian life and the tawdriness of sexual relationships leading inevitably to closure in marriage .
14 The essence of the model is that customer satisfaction , people [ employee ] satisfaction and impact on society are achieved through leadership driving policy and strategy , people management , resources and processes leading ultimately to excellence in business results .
15 By defining retirement as coterminous with dependency , the ‘ structured dependency ’ authors inevitably see the trend towards earlier retirement as regrettable , but in fact it need not be so : this depends on the extent to which retirement leads subsequently to poverty in old age , and to discover this it is necessary to look at the other three main determinants of the financial status of the elderly .
16 ‘ Sure my music is techno-based , ’ says the breathy jazz-house diva from Glasgow , ‘ but the house and rave scenes owed much to jazz in the first place . ’
17 He has contributed much to music in the Farnham area during the last 20 years and the many supporters of the Tilford Bach Festival will no doubt want to hear what will be only the second performance of his work .
18 The latter , although a mainly psychic state ( albeit drug induced ) , can be mistaken for non-responsiveness because of the patient 's agitation and apparent suffering ; it responds rapidly to reduction in opioid dosage .
19 Moidart 's trip from her Newmarket base to Edinburgh last time was rewarded with victory and she should score closer to home in the Charter Handicap .
20 Moidart 's trip from her Newmarket base to Edinburgh last time was rewarded with victory and she should score closer to home in the Charter Handicap .
21 One of these , the king 's younger son Louis Duke of Anjou , broke his word and returned to France , at which King John , showing a misplaced sense of honour , returned voluntarily to captivity in England and died at the Savoy in April 1364 .
22 The Scottish Journal of Geology , by publishing lists of completed research theses , has contributed significantly to communication in geology , as a secondary source , as well as a primary source of research papers .
23 According to Fiers , he was ordered by George to testify falsely to Congress in order to protect the Reagan administration .
24 And these problems are not restricted only to life in Britain , the USA and the rest of the Western world .
25 All this advice applies equally to argument in real cases .
26 For himself , he may well have decided that his cavils against classical philology applied equally to academe in general , so that , wounded pride apart , he was hardly worse off than before .
27 The uncles and aunts presumably knew but Stephen himself had n't heard a word of him since he went away to college in London when he was eighteen .
28 You testify before the Commission tomorrow and I take the kids and go home to Mother in Milwaukee ! ’
29 We all went home to lunch in good spirits , and the ‘ open-door schooling ’ , far from being a chore , was a pleasant outing .
30 The Sunday after they came back from the West Indies , he and Sara and his mother — who was living with them now in a room not much larger than a cupboard , although the view , as Simon constantly said , was staggering — went formally to lunch in their old house .
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