Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This study shows that the long acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201–995 given subcutaneously in a dose of 25 µg three times daily can abolish hypergastrinaemia induced by five days ' treatment with omeprazole ( 40 mg once daily in man .
2 The problem can arise acutely in a situation where Y takes goods from X on ‘ sale or return ’ terms .
3 Other behavioural strategies included eating slowly in a room away from the kitchen , preparing all food thoroughly before starting to eat , rather than eating standing up during cooking .
4 Colonel Lin Foh stepped from the bathroom , clad only in a towel around his waist .
5 Wrapped in a white towelling robe I was making my way back towards my room when I encountered a tall bearded man clad only in a towel .
6 When she returned to the bedroom , clad only in a towel , he was already in bed , and he smiled softly .
7 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
8 Open green pastures and the distinctive monoliths gathered together in a circle .
9 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
10 His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and someone had traced his whereabouts .
11 When the ritual is finished , a ring of stone around the perimeter of the magic circle flies out of the ground and a huge spout of blood gushes outwards in a wave over the adventurers .
12 The men lived together in a compound or — to use their term — a cage .
13 The less fortunate among them , like Nicholson and Robert Towne , Charles Eastman , the writers , and Monte Hellman , the director , got together in a play group and literally built their own theatre , stealing timber from building sites for their scenery ; they ripped a toilet from a petrol station and lighting and electronics were similarly acquired .
14 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
15 Air and earth , she told herself again , her brows drawing together in a grimace .
16 recite and read aloud in a variety of contexts , with increasing fluency and awareness of audience ;
17 He saw Maud once in the Kurfûrstendamm , eating alone in a cafe and looking a little desolate , with a stack of coins already piled beside her plate although her meal had only just come .
18 There are occasions when the relationship between Voight 's big , blond , likeable dimwit , ludicrously decked out in cowboy gear , and Dustin 's small , greasy-haired , pallid , crippled down-and-outer is touchingly and humorously portrayed , particularly the moment when Buck 's face lights up on seeing an unshaven Ratso eating alone in a diner .
19 But as he pulls at the silk of her sari , it just unwinds endlessly in a cloud of colour until he falls bundled in fabric .
20 report and summarise effectively in a range of contexts ;
21 A dog whined somewhere in a hold .
22 The module is intended to prepare students to work effectively in a group and to understand the benefits of teamwork in achieving a common goal .
23 You will need the ability to initiate and carry out original research and to work effectively in a team .
24 – I dare say that when I strip the tank down in the future I 'll find a mixed colony lurking somewhere in a corner !
25 Gurder was lurking suspiciously in a patch of shadow by the door when they came past , arms and legs going like pistons .
26 Paintings which beg to be viewed at a distance , one by one , are squeezed together in a room as narrow , bare and poorly lit as a urinal in an airport .
27 They 're still impressive , with the chimney , flues , dressing floors and the remnants of the smelting hearths clustered together in a valley whose sides are covered with heaps of spoil .
28 ‘ You know , the Chou believed that Heaven and Earth were once inextricably mixed together in a state of undifferentiated chaos , like a chicken 's egg .
29 The packet contained two smaller packets — one blue , one white , which were mixed together in a tumbler of water .
30 The real success formula became evident from the very beginning a mixture of good humour , innuendo , cliché , double-entendre all mixed together in a cauldron of what was plainly goodwill and a desire for a good time .
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