Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
2 If this image were displayed using the methods described earlier it would lack very dark values ( 0–24 ) as well as medium to bright values ( 91–255 ) and would cover only the dark to medium grey range .
3 So far we have considered only the extent to which changes in stimulus effectiveness might be revealed by changes in the ability of a stimulus to evoke its UR ; but , according to the theory , a loss of effectiveness will have other effects .
4 In 1878 Frobenius showed that relinquishing the commutative law of multiplication adds only the quaternions to the list , and using algebraic topology Bott , Milnor and Kervaire showed , in 1957 , that relinquishing in addition the associative law adds only the Cayley numbers .
5 SUPERMAN artist Joe Shuster , who lost millions by signing away the rights to the comic book hero he helped create , has died in Los Angeles aged 78 .
6 Conservative Central Office has been inundated with jittery reports from regional Tory organisers , but is banking on driving home the message to a receptive audience that a vote for the Liberal Democrats would effectively open the door of Downing Street to Mr Kinnock .
7 These inner faculties provide both the ability to reasonably organise one 's daily survival in time and also the means by which God is known .
8 Nonetheless Nykrog 's work does demonstrate substantially the extent to which these fabliaux support and respect relative status in the existing late-feudal social scale .
9 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
10 In a year the shop would be no more , lorries would carry away the rubble to which it had been reduced , leaving a gap to be filled by yet another chain store .
11 ( b ) The waggle dance , which says both the distance to and direction of a food source .
12 Contract Compliance Local authorities when inviting tenders must specify clearly the work to be done and the conditions under which it should be completed .
13 If an announcement has been prepared then the response to a leak should be more effective than in the event of having to deal with the situation at short notice .
14 He had only a daughter to succeed him and his son-in-law turned out to be a second Michael Chambre , who after Lath 's death ‘ let loose the reins to many disorderly courses , as cocking , raseing , drinking and lewdnesse ’ , so that he too finally lost all and sold Balderton to Robert Hayward , a local yeoman .
15 Subsequently applied to geography as a whole , Bennett and Chorley ( 1978 ) produced a text which attempted to explore firstly the extent to which systems theory provided an interdisciplinary focus for environmental matters and to what extent systems technology provides an adequate vehicle ; and secondly to ascertain the manner in which systems approaches aid in the development of an integrated theory relating social and economic theory to physical and biological theory .
16 I put forward the idea to Mme Bluot that , rather than sit either side of a table , reminding Didier of school and his failure to keep up , he and I would do better to talk down by the river , in the park , even in the Café du Coin .
17 Our advice is to take time to find out what they really want before they give away the sites to the private investors , because when they have done this , they ca n't erm participate in what is really developing .
18 And as he climbed into the car and started the chilled engine , he had to make a very strong effort indeed to close the door on the compartment of his mind where Marjorie belonged and open wide the door to careful logical thinking about the project and this newest complication .
19 She turned in a swirl of nylon jersey , and flung wide the door to the study , where the subsiding glow of the fire still burned .
20 I want I want there 's some there 's some and I know just the answer to the question .
21 Once that is understood then the answer to my original question : What is it that social anthropologists actually do ? becomes easier to understand .
22 But arguments of this nature , often plausible and just as often highly speculative , give some indication of the enduring characteristics of elite arguments that make such arguments readily comprehensible , and convincing in a synthetic manner , but lacking either the pretensions to analytic rigour of behaviouristic pluralism or the steam-roller systematic explanations of Marxism .
23 The committee takes seriously the need to be fair and just in everything it does .
24 The committee takes seriously the need to be fair and just in everything it does .
25 In others he finds both the impulse to self-sacrifice , and their masculinity , quite complex ( p. 124 ) .
26 The fact that we can judge precisely the response to a particular ad is a slightly dangerous idea . ’
27 Now that was true until the late sixties early seventies and of course er you find there the election to the o to the White House of one Richard Milhous Nixon , conservative Republican er a man who was not above hiring gangsters and burglars to do his work for him , and this produced a reaction and if you read the , the presidential literature of the nineteen seventies you will find the opposite , you will find er political scientists , all American , er demanding reforms of the American system , not to make the president more powerful but to make the president less powerful .
28 I have found quite the opposite to be true .
29 Earlier traditions survived in rural areas and amongst the unorganised and disrupted working class , but marriage became increasingly the gateway to respectability and stability .
30 Nevertheless in some of the most important European States social status became increasingly the passport to military rank as the century progressed .
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