Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Flint walls , often up to three feet thick , were usually built straight on the ground without foundations , with a central hearth , the fire either laid on the earth floor or , if better off , a large stone slab .
2 The table did for working and eating ; the mattress ( put straight on the floor and covered in black tweed ) did for sleeping and lounging ; and the steps made extra seating areas as well with the help of large flat black or white cushions which stacked like striped playbricks when not in use .
3 In reforming Brown , Mr Magaziner pioneered a number of techniques seen later on the task force : studying the problem exhaustively ( his report on the curriculum was 425 pages long ) ; building a consensus ( he organised fashionable dances , admitting only those who had helped with the report ) ; coming up with breathtakingly bold proposals ; and hinting that dire consequences might follow if the establishment resisted his ideas .
4 You know little kids coming out of school and going straight on the road .
5 Job cuts are already being made and newly-qualified nurses are going straight on the dole .
6 Erm but er we 've had one or two people come to us , and report that they 've been mugged , there again we get straight on the phone to the police .
7 It was a brown derby , worn straight on the head without an air .
8 He called out : ‘ I ca n't hold on any longer , ’ then fell straight on the ledge below , bounded out into the air , turning a somersault backwards , and pitching on to a grass projection some 30′ lower down …
9 Well we went straight on the motorway
10 He left school and went straight on the dole , like Derek probably will .
11 Mm , mm , cos of King 's Cross , had to come at all it 's awful and one time you just went straight on the escalator and now you 've got to go
12 She 's fallen I think straight on the face .
13 Jacques Devraux held himself ramrod straight on the back of his stocky saddle pony and delivered his order to his son in a vehement undertone .
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