Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Two ‘ Special Subjects ’ occupy the final year , chosen from a wide range of courses taught within and outwith the department .
2 It turns right and into the car park .
3 The engine rooms lay astern and in the bows , beneath awnings , were wheels as tall as a man .
4 Most private sector employers advertise locally and in the nursing press , although some may run recruitment drives of their own , or exhibit at a job fair .
5 The 27 finalists are listed below and at the time of going to press they are poised for the grand final in London .
6 Psychological work on ‘ race ’ has been criticized inside and outside the discipline for deploying and strengthening dominant racist discourses .
7 The integration over involves only and on the assumption of overall fibre symmetry ( a case common in polymers in the fibrous form ; but not , of course , necessarily so in the sheet or bulk forms ) we can assume that is a function of only and integrate over — and also over .
8 After lunch , between the morning ride and the afternoon expedition , she read aloud and in the evenings she enjoyed playing cards and various acting and paper games .
9 A well and cheese press are below in the yard with the farm buildings situated below and behind the gallery .
10 Government regional and labour mobility policies have also proved their economic worth even though they have not been pursued vigorously and at the most appropriate periods .
11 Edinburgh is known as ‘ The University in the City ’ because its buildings are located within and across the capital whose name it bears , rather than in a single campus outwith the city limits .
12 It lies below and beyond the distinctions between subject and object which are inbuilt in ordinary experience at the level of knowledge and action ; so it opens up a direct awareness of the God on whom our existence hangs as given in and with our deepest awareness of ourselves .
13 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
14 A bitter wind scurried among the branches of the trees that rose above and behind the stark line of old-fashioned eagle cages .
15 Language thus contributes to an atmosphere in the fabliaux that lies above and outside the describable details of character and setting : an all-enveloping " feeling " of sensuality , shared by the real people involved — the authors and their anticipated readers/audiences — via the medium of the tale .
16 The crowd dispersed quickly and in the rush for the exits , Tam was glad to see old Jock McLaughlin holding firmly on to his Grandson 's small hand .
17 While he may fell constrained electorally and by the highly effective brewers ' lobby to keep the increase on drink to the rate of inflation , nobody will worry too much if the duty of cigarettes is increased , as widely predicted , by double the inflation rate .
18 It does so by applying assumptions about the utility maximizing behaviour of individuals to the arena of governmental decision-making and , as a result , challenges the assumption that government will act efficiently and in the public interest .
19 ‘ Some better bedtime reading for you , which you can enjoy now and over the next two days . ’
20 The safety-belt held me back as I jerked forward and at the same second heard the ghastly clash of metal hitting metal .
21 Too hungry and cold to care what awaited him inside Jamie staggered forward and into the man 's arms .
22 Somehow we got ashore and into the stockade , but we knew there was going to be a fight . ’
23 None of the propositions tendered are accepted for the reasons given above and in the Regional Council 's Written Submission .
24 If I do n't come up when he goes away and for the while he 's on just say he 's
25 There are two parallel efforts that sit above and below the vanilla R series line .
26 Another potentially lethal hazard has been identified when baby-walkers are used ( Gray , 1987 ) ; it is easy for the child to reach out and pull on a kettle flex or iron flex which perhaps seemed safely tucked away and despite the apparent pleasure derived from baby-walkers , there is enough evidence of related accidents to recommend that they should not be used .
27 The remainder is absorbed within and beneath the clouds .
28 public offers and the sale of securities ( and other investment products ) by regulating the issue and content of investment advertisements prepared or issued by those operating within and outside the self-regulating environment .
29 Point out that in the case of a married couple or a permanent relationship ( especially between a man and woman living together and with the possibility of children , planned or unexpected ) , the joint tenancy is the surest guarantee that on the death of either there will at least be a roof over the heads of the surviving family , particularly if there is to be a mortgage supported by a life endowment policy .
30 the end of the last straw you see , so I went in the Co-Op and I felt really , really fed up , I said I oh I said I could cry I said because I 've tried so hard I said not for lending you money I said , I 'm not meant to have any sodding luck so got a couple of bits and I really could n't get me act together and on the Tuesday dad 's gone in hospital with that fit , so I was thinking of him a lot and I thought I do n't know dad , you know I 'm sure , I 'm sure that he were n't gon na come out when he went in there , I thought they were gon na bloody find something with you boy and that would be it , so I come home here and I ai n't done no work , so I started off for work , both sitting here bloody bawling cos this house looked like shit , spoke to me sister on the phone and er I felt a bit better so I thought oh I 'd start doing the tree , so I pulled it all to bits in here , got the polish and duster out , put all the bread and everything for Alan 's sandwiches , it 'd be about oh , about half past twelve and the bloody phone went it was mum , she said Lyn do you think you can come up to the hospital with me , cos I 've got no transport and so I said what 's up then mum ?
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