Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 However , they all sit together in the same circular chamber which has various doors marked ‘ Clergy Ayes ’ or ‘ Laity Noes ’ through which the members of the Synod troop to vote in the way MPs trudge through their voting lobbies .
2 They lay together in the same blue-white room , though this time their lovemaking had been gentler and more familiar , as warmth and exploration of each other 's bodies and hearts had succeeded the glorious frenzy of their first coupling .
3 At Mandru , the Lady Nehushtah , Mandru 's exotic Ixibatabian wife , had male as well as female attendants , and all the Ixmaritians lived together in the same building , regardless of their gender .
4 I am sure that my hon. Friend is right , in that it makes sense to believe that if young people from both sides of the community are taught together in the same classrooms , they will value equally both traditions and will be more likely than some others to find common ground in later life .
5 They were originally thought to have been two closely related species occurring together in the same rocks , but these ‘ pairs ’ were so consistently found together that it became more and more probable that they were sexual forms of the same species .
6 Playing at an altitude of over 5,000 feet and in humid conditions , Canada introduced only two new caps , B.C. no.8 Colin McKenzie and Scott MacKinnon , the Ontario wing who joined flanker Gord to give Canada its first instance of brothers appearing together in the same international side .
7 At the Council in the Marches of Wales the offices of Secretary , Clerk to the Council , and Clerk of the Signet all came to be grouped together in the same hands .
8 Harry watched it until it had turned into Emlyn Square , then began walking unsteadily in the same direction .
9 Attitudes toward science — also treated elsewhere in the same issue — and the apparently instinctive antipathy toward new ideas that do not fit readily into one 's established mental framework , continue to manifest themselves even in the context of the current technological age .
10 And , after all , would you have done so in the same situation ?
11 There are well-kept paths , a trimmed lawn , vegetables , flowers , and fruit , but the flowers and vegetables are grown together in the same beds , the soil is never left bare , and many of the plants she encourages would be condemned as weeds by most gardeners .
12 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
13 Every mental phenomenon includes something as object within itself , although they do not all do so in the same way .
14 ‘ Do you think I 've lost a fortune only to see it salted away in the same nip-cheese fashion as before ?
15 For a yearly payment of £5 he conveyed that piece of his estate to the Apothecaries Company , with one particular proviso : that every year fifty dried specimens grown there in the same year be supplied to the Royal Society of London .
16 We 're still married but living apart in the same house , if you see what I mean .
17 The reason for the rule was explained further in the same year in Rex v. St. John 's College , Cambridge ( 1694 ) 4 Mod.Rep. 233 , 241 :
18 ‘ We used to share the same office and we can work together in the same environment , but not when we are actually working for the same clients , ’ she says .
19 There are two basic systems of drains ; the ‘ separate ’ system whereby foul waste water is kept entirely separate from rainwater , and the combined system where they run together in the same pipe .
20 Robson confirmed last night that England 's friendly with the Republic of Ireland , due to be played in Dublin on March 28 , was now in doubt with the teams drawn together in the same World Cup group .
21 Therefore they should not be used together in the same word .
22 The Bach flower remedies and the homoeopathic remedies complement each other and can be used together in the same treatment plan .
23 Both are used exactly in the same way as the elastic .
24 GOLFER Paul Hurring and his sweetheart Charlotte Turtle , who died in each other 's arms in a freak accident , were buried yesterday in the same grave .
25 Because it nests repeatedly in the same tree a considerable litter of skulls and bones accumulates beneath its nest .
26 Rates of gastric emptying vary enormously in the same individual depending on the nature of the test meal studied .
27 Instead the BDDA was founded later in the same year to advance and protect their interests in the United Kingdom .
28 A truly incremental algorithm would improve its performance during a single search , so that information learned early can be used later in the same search .
29 Separate the £50 , £20 , £10 , £5 , £1 notes and stack them face upwards in the same direction .
30 Considerable variation in shore fauna can occur even in the same stretch of coast .
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