Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To know properly to mix them in planting is another matter of painting with living pencils , for greens properly disposed throw in a mixture of contrasts of lights and shades which wonderfully enliven the pictures and which insensibly strike the senses with wonder and delight .
2 So for some children it is deemed better to place them in small homes where it is easier to maintain continuity of care .
3 Great news , you might think , for Aunt Agatha , who had begun to fear that , instead of taking young Billy Whizzquid 's advice and putting her savings under the professional management of a unit trust , she would have done better to put them under her mattress .
4 Those that had children struggled desperately to keep them within the state school system and also to see the frequent failures of others to succeed in this as being somehow a rather nasty disease , with compassion and sorrow the appropriate response , rather than the fierce bell-like anger they would all have produced reflexively only ten years before .
5 Do you think though , perhaps you could have done more to keep them in the Party ?
6 To please him , she travelled , learnt languages , read all the guide books to the cities he insisted they visit , became a sexual virtuoso , developed opinions on the classics and on contemporary literature , and learnt never to voice them at the dinner table unless asked .
7 like that cos Bill goes early to release them on Fridays cos that way they can go shopping with their missus and everything .
8 You need not hurry them away to lie in your sewing-basket or run upstairs to fold them under your handkerchiefs .
9 ‘ None the less , ’ he said , turning again to face them with a calm and decided countenance , ‘ I think it indeed needful that this march should come into the justiciar 's hands rather than Earl Richard 's .
10 A mother does her level best to warn them about the ever present dangers
11 The Sheikh spoke quietly to his chauffeur , then stepped forward to acknowledge them with a courteous inclination of the head .
12 The problem that exists is that factions of governors who are members of the European Central Bank and who disagree with its policies may join together to frustrate them at the national level .
13 When transferring animals between cages it may be found easier to coax them into a bottle than to handle them .
14 One is hard pressed even to find them in London .
15 The Chelonians milled about confusedly in the sudden darkness , their optical aids realigning frantically to provide them with a coherent picture of their environment .
16 And we did n't go there to cut them at all because they were right open , right in the open and there was ho hope for them anyway .
17 Th th the final the final sort of sick joke was the fact that erm having having disposed of the fingers to the theatre , the hospital they 'd got this box of ice lollies so they proceeded then to give them to people !
18 When asked to hold themselves accountable to their residents , local authorities chose instead to clobber them with a 30 per cent .
19 The Salvadorean government has done little to aid the displaced , choosing instead to see them as potential subversives who must be carefully watched .
20 It is doubtful how many of those who bestow gifts of coral on infants appreciate that their forebears did so to protect them from bewitchment .
21 Fortunately , many of these loopholes are now being closed by new amendments and , hopefully , there will be less frustration for the law-enforcers who , in the past , have seen many villains slip through the net after they have worked hard to bring them to justice .
22 No , not a dog , a bodyguard stationed there to protect them from evil .
23 A spokesman said detectives hoped that if the suspects were not the terrorists they — or someone who recognised them — would come forward to eliminate them from the inquiry .
24 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
25 When bits of them broke off you had only to plunge them into the earth and they grew into new cactuses .
26 They still do , but I 've learnt now to keep them in my lap so that the sweat coming off the hands soaks into the trousers .
27 When the paintings were delivered the older couple were almost apoplectic at the sight of them and refused even to store them in their house .
28 Libya 's response , presented to the Security Council by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Feb. 12 , refused to hand over the two men , offering instead to try them in Libya .
29 We have yet to integrate them one with another , and we have yet to relate them to the practical demands of learning and teaching foreign languages .
30 Seats and tables should be treated with preservative before the bad weather sets in , especially if you have nowhere to store them under cover .
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