Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [v-ing] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These schemes and the benefits they provide , in general , are organised hierarchically according to employment status and occupational class ( James , 1984 ) .
2 That is one point of view ; another is that these future Nobel laureates may in fact earn their prizes by bringing more supercomputing to science , and thus moving more of science into cyberspace .
3 He wrote her a brief note merely saying he had had to go home owing to illness and had found , on his return , that he was to report forthwith to the War Office .
4 The facts — that Chrissie has been caught taking food home , the higher than average food costs , etc. — show that things have n't been going entirely according to plan , but what are the causes ?
5 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
6 So everything 's going really according to plan .
7 Undoubtedly there are differences in people 's experiences of support between grandparents and grandchildren , but we have so little up-to-date evidence on this issue that it is difficult to say how far such experiences vary systematically according to gender , ethnicity or social class .
8 Attitudes to family and children vary considerably according to class , however .
9 Holiday entitlement differs slightly according to job level , age and length of service .
10 The range of benefits given to new employees relocating as a result of accepting a job offer varies widely according to company policy and individuals ' circumstances .
11 Therefore , by the mid-1970s , Cramlington was proceeding much according to plan , with a number of firms being attracted to the area and the consequent job creation being associated with extensive housing developments by both the private and , public sectors .
12 Standard English varies stylistically according to audience , purpose and situation .
13 However , the pattern varies considerably according to region and social class .
14 Bream shoal together according to size .
15 The ethnic and religious composition of the force varied greatly according to rank .
16 Even this type of housing , however , is not always allocated solely according to need and council tenants are expected to pay economic rents , i.e. rents that would be charged in the private market .
17 When I got down to the park , the combination of the cold and my long sleep that afternoon made me feel too restless to contemplate actually going to sleep again , so I just sat there on one of the benches , thinking .
18 Now Bright wo n't go there according to Radio 5 .
19 Things not gone quite according to plan ? ’
20 Give me the liberty to know , to utter and to argue freely according to conscience , above all liberties . "
21 THE number of patients waiting for hospital treatment has been cut considerably according to health officials .
22 The densities of water application may vary considerably according to category of goods and storage height and it is therefore important to predict both the highest category of commodity and storage height likely to be used during the reasonable life of the building .
23 ‘ Some work , ’ Piers said , ‘ on a certain house , which was n't finished quite according to schedule because of a certain lady who turned my world upside-down . ’
24 The disadvantage of that was you could n't have somebody in with the class for five or six lessons just standing there pretending to film .
25 A Latin motto completed the package , though the family could never decide which sounded better — ‘ Cui debeo fidus ’ or ‘ Suscipere et finire ’ — and ended up using either according to taste .
26 Los Angeles plans to stop slowly choking to death : John Lichfield , in Los Angeles , finds out how California 's biggest city intends to reverse 20 years of lax pollution control with an assault on its ‘ drive-in ’ lifestyle
27 The effects on body biochemistry affect the metabolism of sugar , uric acid and triglycerides giving the appearance and consequences of diabetes , gout possibly leading to kidney stones , and disorders of blood fats leading to arterial disease which secondarily affects the heart and lungs .
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