Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " A money award can be calculated so as to make good a financial loss " : per Lord Morris in West v Shephard [ 1964 ] AC at p345 .
2 In February 1992 , however , Lautro 's Rules were amended so as to give other persons served with an intervention notice the right to appeal against it : see new rules 7.28 and 7.3(12) .
3 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
4 With effect from the general election of 1965 West German electoral law was amended so as to impose stricter limits on variations in constituency magnitudes .
5 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted so as to retain Unionist minority control .
6 which established that in the absence of a prohibition in the memorandum , the articles could be altered so as to authorise such an issue .
7 This contrast may be more apparent than real , however , for new technologies of birth and reproduction may alter the biologically given so as to make possible a changed perspective that would have been inconceivable in the past .
8 A concentration may occur in one of two ways : first , two or more parties that were previously independent may merge so as to become one new independent business or secondly , one or more persons who already control one business may acquire direct or indirect control of another business .
9 ‘ You should know better than to ask such a question after all I 've tried to teach you . ’
10 The idea that some form of market will act so as to restrain corporate managers from abusing their discretion by failing to serve the interests of the shareholders is flawed in two ways .
11 The words used will be interpreted according to the so-called " golden rule " : they will be given their ordinary grammatical and literal meaning unless that produces absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy , when the literal meaning can be modified so as to avoid that absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy .
12 It can then be located so as to provide convenient armchair control .
13 ‘ You ought to know better than to ask that .
14 Having obtained the poles of , the relevant physical transfer function is deduced by rejecting poles in the positive half of the s-plane and a network is synthesised so as to generate that transfer function .
15 In a radically different approach to filter design , a filter is synthesised so as to provide some preconceived functional form of frequency response that exhibits certain desirable features .
16 This was followed in 1988 by a reform of the Community Budget in which steps were taken to shift expenditure from agricultural to the structural funds , that is those concerned with regional and social matters , and the expenditure rules were recast so as to concentrate such structural spending on the poorest regions .
17 The regime declares itself to be the only true guardian of socialism , but can offer no answer to what is happening elsewhere except to denounce foreign interference and to assert that communism must inevitably triumph .
18 Philips — like Siemens and GEC — attempted to evolve rather than to make radical changes of direction .
19 The DRA 's objective is to see the technology succeed rather than to generate short term income — and Robertson believes the chances are high .
20 The first issue before us , as it was before Thorpe J. , was whether Parliament had , by section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , conferred on a minor over the age of 16 years an absolute right to refuse medical treatment , in which case the limitation of the court 's inherent jurisdiction exemplified by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 would have operated so as to preclude any intervention by the court .
21 The second hypothesis of this paper is that patterns of regularity in the semantic net can be exploited so as to generate meaningful , linear documents .
22 The records typically understate the concentration of wealth , for they rely on individual declarations which are manipulated and presented so as to minimise apparent wealth holdings .
23 His routines were organized so as to facilitate this intellectual process : weekends were reserved for Colombey , where he could take long walks and mull over problems ; workday schedules at the Elysée were strictly adhered to ; he insisted on absolute punctuality and an atmosphere of unruffled calm .
24 This chapter has been organized so as to describe three main tours of the island , as well as a trip to Curral das Freiras .
25 Unfortunately , the flood of statistics is very large ; nothing more can be done here than to indicate some of the most useful summaries available .
26 It is disappointing that so few teachers thought it worth attending to express their views either on the resolutions put forward or to raise other matters .
27 The results should be capable of being used formatively and to indicate any particular need for support for the child , or for more specific diagnostic assessment .
28 He was mortally disappointed when it was officially declared an accident and there 's nothing he 'd like better than to find some excuse to start ferreting round and upsetting everyone with his ‘ interrogations ’ . ’
29 Broadly , and allowing for over-simplification of the two books , Mr Kee and Mr Mullin allege that the confessions were beaten out of them by the police interrogating them , and that the forensic tests were either doctored so as to appear positive , or were otherwise unreliable .
30 Our audit has been performed so as to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material error .
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