Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A new sense of harmony is unlikely to be developed if bored parents have to wait endlessly in long queues to see teachers .
2 Thus even bottom-dwelling molluscs can be dispersed widely over long distances , and are quick to colonize vacant sites that appear in the ocean ( new volcanic islands like Surtsey , for example ) .
3 High rocky cliffs pitted with little sandy coves melt away into long stretches of silvery beach .
4 He believed that the surface of the earth changed gradually over long periods of time , and saw that such changes would have an effect not only upon the physical environment to which living things were exposed , but upon the possibility of migration to new locations .
5 The ability to communicate cheaply over long distances will reduce the need for workers to commute to offices .
6 Something under the bed moved softly , rustling like a woman walking past in long skirts — or a soft breeze in high trees .
7 In these scenes , Greenaway 's camera stops moving and his technique , alternating awkwardly between long shots and close-ups , seems ragged and inadequate .
8 He says research has shown that many people would be incapable of driving safely over long distances in the early afternoon even after one drink .
9 Inevitably , men pushed together for long periods of time became edgy and , by the time the prison was freed from the grip of the snow , three men had been knifed ( one of whom had lost a kidney ) and another had been beaten severely with a pool cue .
10 Spanish and Portuguese membership came only after long talks , and was expected to put greater pressures on the Social and Regional Funds , as well as increasing the costs of the CAP .
11 WITH the approach of Memorial Day , the official start of summer , all right-thinking Americans are looking forward to long days at the beach .
12 It holds 4 fl ozs , and enables you to drink conveniently on long runs .
13 Although a couple of David Platt 's efforts have derived from shots on the edge of the penalty area , as indeed did Paul Merson 's debut goal in Prague , the general rule is that England are not scoring enough from long range .
14 Eat self-blanching celery as soon as possible as it does not keep well for long periods .
15 Paper hung away in long strips .
16 ‘ It is only recently that Robert Gordon 's University has opened up the field for people to do courses like this without having to leave home for long periods . ’
17 The tool is also lightweight , compact , and has very low vibration levels , making it comfortable to use even for long periods .
18 Rosita and I are to be punished , stuck there with long faces , alongside our fellow wrong-doers , representations of swarthy people , black as tea taken without milk .
19 Instead Garvey looked a jaded team and although they pressed hard for long periods , they could well have suffered a heavy defeat after a host of elementary mistakes gave Bann opportunities which should have been punished .
20 She could do without large conscript armies to defend land frontiers and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods .
21 It took the puritan fanatics to destroy these high spirits and mockery , which led inevitably to long periods of repression with its back-street prostitution of women and young boys , one of the many ‘ hidden ’ elements in Victorian society and , what was equally lamentable , the denial of the rightful place of women in society .
22 These start off usually with a thin , gentle slithering sound of sliding boulders on the scree slope , which abruptly gives way to a much louder , roaring collapse as the main mass of rock falls away and hurtles downhill , and then afterwards minor falls continue intermittently for long periods .
23 Chapter 5 constitutes a rather tedious juxtaposition of " the most popular things in popular fiction " , as it consists mainly of long lists of those ingredients that have the highest frequency in popfiction .
24 In a touring boat we want long powerful strokes to go fast over long distances .
25 He turned away , apparently satisfied , then pushed the glasses back into his pocket , flashed the torch briefly down at the rough stones of the pier , and went away with long strides in the direction of the house .
26 ‘ So you go home to Long Island once a month , ’ said Harvey .
27 I eat another half banana , thrash vainly at long pots , and resign when rather seriously behind .
28 They noticed that background radiation in the laboratory appeared to rise by up to 50 per cent while the experiment was running but they had no means of knowing whether or not this had anything to do with the experiment as the natural background radiation from cosmic rays can vary substantially during long time periods .
29 Meals , for example , are eaten communally at long tables and comprise simple but excellent fare , created almost entirely from estate produce .
30 If she sat beside him her head would loll onto his shoulder and stay there for long moments .
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