Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] to [noun prp] for " in BNC.

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1 Like them London Transport sold them to Cohens for scrap on 9 May 1934 .
2 The man who was the driving force behind bringing them to Britain for surgery was Sir Jimmy Savile .
3 The Zliten people formally offered compensation ; the Zuwaya invited them to Ajdabiya for peacemaking , and arranged a preliminary meeting of Zuwaya to discuss how much compensation they should demand .
4 The goalkeeper lay injured following a collision with a team-mate when Mikhailichenko gathered the loose ball on the byeline and squared it to Hateley for a goal easier come by for Rangers than had seemed possible in the early stages of the match .
5 ‘ He sent a message to the governor explaining that the thefts continued to take place at a time when the firm had transferred me to England for a period of six months .
6 which is brilliant din , din , din , we should give it to Phil for his dad
7 Cos I got them out and I thought I must take them downstairs and give them to Maggie for her to give them to Gary .
8 Yes , that 's Stirling 's over in Wantage , and you 're moving them to Shillingford for six months .
9 The duke 's London residence was Essex House , the property of his brother-in-law , Robert Devereux , third Earl of Essex [ q.v. ] , another of Rose 's employers , who encouraged him to the extent of sending him to France for the first time , probably early in the 1640s .
10 I told you they want to do another X-ray , and they 're sending him to Carlisle for that , the Cumberland Infirmary . ’
11 The Colonel had summoned him to Cancun for the meeting at the Rena Victoria Hotel .
12 ‘ Been exporting it to England for years , my firm . ’
13 Meanwhile , Wallaby skipper Michael Lynagh will set out on a remarkable 24,000 mile round trip that will take him to Brisbane for an operation and back to Wales for the final fortnight of the Australian tour .
14 It was Francis who gave Cantona his foothold in English football by bringing him to Sheffield for a one-week trial last January .
15 Swinton , who sold him to Widnes for only £7,500 in January last year , would like him back .
16 Robins has so far scored seven goals after Ferguson sold him to Norwich for a cut-price £800,000 on the eve of the season .
17 The story going around at the time was that he had ticked off the Lebanese bureau staff to the point where they sold him to Hezbollah for a bit of peace and quiet !
18 Janina 's family took me to Switzerland for a holiday .
19 I did n't know what career I wanted which baffled the system so they sent me to Edinburgh for a year .
20 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
21 That brought him to Clermont-Ferrand for the French Grand Prix firmly in the lead of the championship but with a bad bout of flu .
22 It seemed to her a happy coincidence that Robert ( she thought of him now as Robert ) should write inviting her to Yorkshire for the weekend .
23 He then made his New York début in 1931 as the squalid murderer in Payment Deferred , before accepting a Hollywood offer which took him to California for The Old Dark House ( 1932 ) and his first Nero in The Sign of the Cross ( 1932 ) .
24 There was little time to reflect on the implications as Prince Charles had already asked her to Balmoral for the weekend of the Braemar Games early in September .
25 They sent her to London for elocution lessons and she grew into a lovely young lady .
26 One such company took a finance director of a subsidiary out of the business for a whole year , sent him to Harvard for an abbreviated MBA and to work for a merchant bank in the City .
27 ‘ They sent him to Australia for life , because he tried to escape from the prison-ship . ’
28 She wanted desperately to confide in someone about this , but once again found it impossible to find anyone suitable her mother was too distraught , her father was dead , and she could not bring herself to mention it to Miriam for fear of provoking some too blunt observations on the mysterious workings of a lady 's insides .
29 Larry Cummins unfortunately , could not make it to England for the reunion .
30 Yeah I 've given it to Wendy for the kids .
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