Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In another sense they may seem to know them too little , to be too little able to see them in relation to other , contemporary , young people : as much chance of a fair assessment from a family as from a school .
2 The recognition of interests and groups in society , and a concern to see them in relation to government and the development of public policy represented an important breakthrough in the study of British politics .
3 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
4 In developing a critique of scientism ( which Habermas regards Knowledge and Human Interests to be ) he is not rejecting the epistemological validity of the nomological sciences or the hermeneutic sciences but is trying to orient them in relation to the critical sciences .
5 The fact that they 've chosen to have somebody representing them in objection to the new settlement proposal I think is as strong an indication as you can get that the local people do n't actually support the council on this point .
6 In the early nineteenth century , Lamartine stayed with the Damiani family in Jaffa and mentioned them in Voyage to the Orient , the same book in which he advertised the colonial possibilities of Palestine .
7 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
8 Following the failure of his appeal , the appellant wrote on 15 July 1989 complaining that Detective Constable Woodley , who had interviewed him in relation to the offence of which he was convicted , had fabricated admissions in the record of interview .
9 It has signed a three-book contract and is so bullish that I 've included it in Ones to Watch even though I have not even had one chapter .
10 On ( or soon after ) Oswine 's death Oswiu 's nephew Oethelwald , son of Oswald , secured the kingship in Deira ( HE 111 , 23 ) ( see Appendix , Figs 6.2 and 7.1 ) , though whether appointed to this position by Oswiu or acquiring it in opposition to his uncle is unknown .
11 If we are to understand the feeding habits of the species , therefore , we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species , and its relations to other species .
12 Our new landlady made it clear that she was delighted to accept us in preference to yet more evacuee children .
13 Adam set the twelve sherry glasses that were cut in a greek key pattern round their rims in the middle of the moonlight and said he would put them in a box tomorrow and try to sell them in Sudbury to the man who had the antique shop in Gainsborough Street that they had passed .
14 If this was a late addition , one that went into the quarto at the last minute , the printer may have lost four lines of type in the process — or even cut them in order to be able to finish Act 3 tidily on the last page of a quarto sheet : the very next page , as it happens , which left scarcely any room for manoeuvre .
15 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
16 Anyone else using the mark or one nearly resembling it in relation to the same class or classes infringes the mark .
17 How could she and Bob even put it in words to each other ?
18 cut it in cardboard to the shape of that is pretty near
19 A cairn marks the crossroads , and although the outrageously boggy path will cover you in peat to the armpits , you may hug yourself in delight to be walking in empty country again , as the cries of ‘ Look , Mam .
20 It is often impossible to say what moves you in a poem ; somehow in this poem there is something that touches my heart and links me in sympathy to this Bolivian poet whom I shall never meet .
21 Edith took the plates to Margot Iverson 's end of the table , where the vegetables were served , and then handed them in turn to the guests .
22 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
23 Over 30 universities and colleges resumed work on Aug. 24 on the orders of the military government , which had closed them in response to student riots in December 1991 [ see p. 38681 ] .
24 ‘ But consider it in relation to the circumstances .
25 However , FreeHand is simpler to use for the amateur or casual artist and this may be all the motivation he or she needs to buy it in preference to Illustrator 88 .
26 Once Newton 's physics had been constituted , it was possible to apply it in detail to astronomy .
27 If an individual or the members of a firm may sue for a libel imputing to them insolvency , because of the damage which such a libel is calculated to do them in relation to their business , could it possibly be maintained that a trading corporation could not sue for a like libel ? …
28 She folded napkins to look like coronets and gave the crystal glasses a final polish before positioning them in groups to the right of each place .
29 If I may digress for a moment , I refer him in turn to the successful water system invented by the Greeks at Pergamon .
30 He persuaded her parents to give her in marriage to a friend of his and by constant threats and ill-treatment she was forced to consent .
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