Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] up for a " in BNC.

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1 Windowboxes and other containers often begin to run out of flower power towards the end of summer , but it is usually possible to give them a boost to sustain interest until it is time to plant them up for a spring display .
2 Well , she her , her sleeping habits during the day change to afternoons , and , well today she 's been she had about two hours this afternoon , so if we did our normal and gave her tea at five o'clock , and send them up for a bath at half past six , there 's no way she 'd be asleep .
3 OK , ’ he decided , ‘ Once we get home , a bite of lunch , and I 'll beam you up for a quick one . ’
4 He weighed her up for a moment , his wide mouth compressed and then asked : ‘ D'ye think Isobel would come to a ball with me ? ’
5 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
6 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
7 So she 's saving them up for a
8 Then they ( the police ) would lock me up for a couple of hours at a time but I did n't get charged until I was 15 . ’
9 I think that my hon. Friend the Member for Tooting displayed the facts well , and it was perverse of Conservative Members to pick him up for a slip of the tongue when he gave an incorrect figure , which it is relatively easy to do .
10 I have a 30 gallon corner tank , and would like to set it up for a Black Peacock , Pterois volitans .
11 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
12 He was saving it up for a rainy day .
13 There is times I 've casually picked it up , dropped it on the floor and forgotten to pick it up for a while because I 'm on the phone and sometimes it is quite loud in my ear .
14 Well if they come round to ours this year I 'll invite them in I 'll take them to my basement and I 'll lock 'em up for a few days .
15 MIDDLESBROUGH Bears , facing their first Homefire League match of the 1992 season in only two weeks ' time , need another good result against Glasgow at Cleveland Park tonight to fire them up for a long and hard campaign .
16 The 34-year-old former Liverpool and Blackburn star has been unable to fix himself up with another club since the summer , but the Robins ' boss is lining him up for a reserve game against Walsall next week .
17 ‘ I hope they catch this cowardly thug and lock him up for a long time . ’
18 But you can only use it up for a month and then you .
19 And holding them up for a little bit of erm laughter .
20 Millions Of Honey opened Saturday night with a sparky set of robust , melodic guitar songs that have toughened and matured over the last year of line-up shuffles , and should justly set them up for a spot of national service .
21 Yes , have a little nap ; it 'll set you up for a day 's work tomorrow .
22 We 'd sure love to put you up for a few days . ’
23 It was now obvious that the horse was a stayer and yet Harry Short 's stable jockey had recently ridden him as if his best distance was six furlongs , holding him up for a late run .
24 We 're going to put him up for a few days .
25 Early last week the Sun apologised for saying he had never had a real job , but in truth a four-year stint as a tutor organiser in industrial and trade unions at the Workers ' Educational Association 25 years ago does not exactly set him up for a glittering new career .
26 That would set him up for a world title shot at the end of this year in Belfast .
27 That would set him up for a world title shot at the end of this year in Belfast .
28 As this happened two weeks before Christmas , Sinitta hopes someone scooped him up for a Christmas gift .
29 They read somewhat strangely , as if I had imagined the whole thing , or cooked it up for an April Fool joke .
30 He intended to mark it up for a hundred .
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