Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] in for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Basic computer keyboard skills have to be there — we would n't want to go the lengths of having to train them on that — but training on our specialist software means bringing them in for a week and we 'll probably bring them in every three months to keep updating them . ’
2 I had this idea they had booked me in for a Caesarean because I 'm small , but had n't told me .
3 She thanked him and waited while David invited him in for a cup of tea .
4 You invited him in for a glass of sherry to ask him if you could borrow his bicycle , and I came too . ’
5 Wistaria Cottage was n't worth much and in any case he had talked at one point of trading it in for an annuity .
6 put me in for a lovely red for me .
7 Of course , this may lead them to run onto the rotted wood , which will give way and let them in for a long fall …
8 I 'm sorry , Ellie ; I let you in for a hard time , did n't I ? ’
9 Why did n't he take that with him and put it in for a minute , for god 's sake .
10 " He asked you in for a drink without asking me ? "
11 they might keep you in for a longer rest
12 That 's why we 'll keep her in for a week or so , for tests , but our consultant is very pleased with her — and very optimistic .
13 I 'm breaking them in for a horse .
14 A week or two before the Board Meeting at which the Pub Catering proposals are due to be considered , John Watson calls you in for a talk .
15 ‘ The least you could do is invite me in for a coffee . ’
16 And er Betty called me in for a cup of coffee but and I was there , I think , for over two hours .
17 ‘ I 'd invite you in for a chat , ’ said Joe , ‘ but I 'm just about to go out .
18 Well she she used to drink tea when she if I ever well I did n't invite her in for a coffee do , well I did n't to begin with did I ?
19 " I think it would be safer to keep him in for a bit longer . "
20 ‘ I think , ’ the policeman was saying , ‘ I 'd better take her in for a little talk . ’
21 " I 'll take her in — yes , why not — I 'll take her in for a small consideration .
22 If Daddy was home , she 'd invite him in for a coffee and a clean-up .
23 She looked alert and approachable , just the type of person we were looking for , so we asked her in for an interview . ’
24 I asked him in for a break .
25 Connie buzzed them in for a joyous greeting from Hurley , Colonel John Sasser , the Defense attaché , and one of Buck Revell 's FBI team , but there was n't much time for celebration because Hamadan was wanted elsewhere for debriefing .
26 She measures out her guarded replies to him in neat , carefully checked words , as once she had suggested , from the top of the steps outside their front door , that Millie might like to invite me in for a few minutes .
27 Trade you in for a couple of camels , he 'd come home with a couple of camels
28 ‘ Last Tuesday Nellie , my wife , had to go to hospital and they kept her in for a day and a night for eye tests .
29 When I got home , I kept him in for a while , then , ashtray at the ready , let him loose for another try .
30 So they kept him in for a cat instead , but Jessie wanted a , then Jessie , she could 've just love a fluffy white , so .
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