Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] back to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gently , making fun of me a little bit , bringing me back to earth .
2 He kissed her wet lips , warmly , tenderly , bringing them back to life , and she was lost in her love for him and his for her and she really did n't care if they never talked again .
3 When they were n't running across it , cheered on by the headmaster , they were snipping bits off it and bringing them back to school to put in jars .
4 Oh you see if they want her back to testing they 've got ta pay for the resource to er for us to , to , to recruit somebody else in the meantime .
5 The woman told the court drove her instead to Clumber Park where he unclipped the sign on his taxi then assaulted her in the vehicle before driving her back to Workshop .
6 It was the thud of a horse 's hooves , very near , almost on her , which jerked her back to reality .
7 It 's very , it 's deceptive if you 're not working out what you 're doing and relating it back to the graph , and relating it back to physics , to an experiment you 're doing , someone 's checking the clock every second to see how much further it 's gone .
8 He started to smile , teasing me , and for the second time I was convinced that someone would flourish it back to existence , that it was all only a game .
9 Then I got back my artillery , and the subdued Jackson drove me back to town .
10 Shadow of what ? wrote Goldberg in the margin , cursing under his breath as his elbow dislodged the pile of typewritten sheets stacked on the desk beside the typewriter , tapping them back to neatness , wiping his brow with his sleeve , typing on .
11 you want to talk them back to safety ;
12 I feel I am at last in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
13 I feel I shall at last be in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
14 Immediate post-operative speech was limited to " yes ' and " no " but after two weeks the patient was able to say " no , I do n't want any " and " put me back to bed " .
15 So I can send them back to HQ .
16 If you are totally fed up , one extra bar of chocolate or cake or any one single luxury item is not going to set you back to square one .
17 It can be much worse if you are selling as well as buying , for you are then involved in a dreaded thing called ‘ the chain' , which only moves at the pace of the slowest , if it does not disintegrate along the way and put you back to square one .
18 ‘ Right , I 'll start doing something about supper now , but I 'll carry you back to bed first . ’
19 She shooed him back to bed in front of her and he went meekly enough , entering with studied indifference , tapping his fingertips together as he went .
20 Deardrie , how do I bring him back to reality ?
21 Put it back to fibre , go back to your bit on fibre
22 A woman may convince herself that if she holds on , is patient , and tries to change things , she can bring it back to life .
23 And do n't worry : Masha will bring us back to earth tonight .
24 It is very interesting to look at one of the more recent leaflets brought out by the government , called Helping you back to work — Information for claimants . ‘
25 A hand falling on Ace 's shoulder startled her back to reality , and she found herself facing a dripping Benny .
26 Instinctively she tried to retreat , shrinking within herself , desperately seeking that distant place where she was beyond hurt , but fitzAlan spoke again , pulling her back to awareness with terrifying ease .
27 Research links it back to poverty and housing .
28 The reference to experience leads us back to Chapter 6 , for the beliefs of all religions arise out of experience and are misinterpreted at a very fundamental level by outsiders who see them as merely forms of words imposed upon people .
29 damp and If you get me back to mum 's for about three o'clock time at the latest to take her to Osborne House .
30 He believed that it would be possible to reconstruct an animal from a single bone — certainly , faced in the Paris basin with a valley of dry bones , he fired the imagination of contemporaries and of later generations by calling them back to life .
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