Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
2 Gradually , however , Joe came to see me less as an interloper and increasingly as a friend who happened to share both his home and his mother with him .
3 Previously they had lacked an identity , but the training period had welded them together into a cohesive fighting force with an intense pride in themselves and their unit .
4 He hated them before the war and he hates them now with a depth you gentlemen here would find hard to understand . ’
5 Our Georgia guests used the small flat-bottomed craft to go bonefishing one afternoon , and Thessy , well trained by his father , led them unerringly to a sea-flat by a mangrove swamp where , in just a few heart-racing moments , they landed four of the gleaming and elusive fish .
6 With marked reluctance , the elderly woman led them inside to a small sitting-room , which overlooked the garden at the rear of the house .
7 And although overseas sales are steadily growing , many countries , such as the US , Germany , Italy , and the UK , are producing their own robots , and using them innovatively in a variety of non-manufacturing applications .
8 I arrived early and he led me upstairs to a comfortable polish-scented lounge and made coffee , before returning to the bar to finish off .
9 I wished everyone goodnight and he led me upstairs into a small dormitory room .
10 It receives them automatically as a member of the European Broadcasting Union , a privilege granted to it because 15 member stations of that cosy cartel own the half of Eurosport which Murdoch does not .
11 Having steadily reduced the preparation from organism to circuit , the stage was set for the final reduction ; Kandel 's colleague Samuel Schacher dissected out the specific sensory and motor neurons and incubated them together in a dish ( a procedure known as tissue culture ) .
12 I thought the dead whiteness of the dress made me more of a corpse than a bride but had n't enough energy to infuriate my mother by telling her so .
13 If your timing is right , Positive ideas of this kind may well give her hope and encouragement , but they should not be introduced too early in the grieving process , or she may regard them almost as an insult to the depth of her sorrow at a time when she is not yet ready to look to the future .
14 I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support , and I hope that when my nest book is published they will feel confident enough to treat me just as a novelist and not as a problem . ’
15 You do n't have to gather them together in a group in order for that to be a successful piece of creative activity . ’
16 I thought they 'd hidden me away in a cupboard .
17 Firefighters have rejected a one point five per cent pay offer bringing them closer to a national strike .
18 But it can learn to comprehend a series of events by bringing them together into a cohesive , learned pattern to form a language .
19 The secret is to use them to create a striking feature , and not just hide them away in a shady corner of the garden .
20 He watched Tom lift two more saucepans from the range and empty them together with a handful of salt into the tub .
21 ‘ Perhaps you could give me one of these coins and send me away with a beating ?
22 ‘ I do n't want to meet them again in a hurry .
23 The size and weight of the larger models would suit them only for a fairly hefty boat .
24 Evening : invited me home to a buffet meal with a group of friends and colleagues , including , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Correspondence Course , CIEFL ) , ( Materials Production , CIEFL ) .
25 To say nothing of mashing the boring bits down to a slurry of images , hosing them away with a touch of your finger .
26 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
27 Secure the wire ends by twisting them together for a short distance to prevent the turns trying to unwind themselves .
28 Many have a dread of something happening that will plunge them suddenly into a situation of near-poverty , and a few also unconsciously use their financial problems as pegs on which to hang their much deeper fears concerning their health and their future , which they may find hard to face .
29 Finally they helped me upstairs to a bedroom , and I sank gratefully into a warm , dry bed .
30 Send him away with a flea in his ear .
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