Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] the good " in BNC.

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1 He lived down Gypsy Lane with his two sisters , he was a single man you see and my father and mother lived here and my , they not only mended shoes but they made them and er course naturally , you know , well of course Needham was n't as big as it is now but they made them for the best people , if that , if that 's the right , not the right expression say , but er but you know what I mean er and er and he , you know , all his life you see he did that and then one day he had a shock because his er , what would you call him colleague , he , he died suddenly in the night .
2 In other words , management must continue to develop their own professional skills and sell them to the best bidder .
3 So we do have a problem and and we need to grasp that the a conclusion talking about rolling programme we are concerned about resources we 're , we 're , we 're concerned about using them to the best advantage .
4 ‘ But you want more outlets for KITS and you want them in the best and most expensive locations . ’
5 ‘ We must also fight for the interests of British business in world markets and provide them with the best environment in which they can compete and succeed . ’
6 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
7 Listening to tapes of bird calls will help you identify unseen birds too and help direct you to the best place to stand and look for them .
8 At Club 18–30 we always aim to provide you with the best holiday possible , but in the unlikely event that a problem should arise , we would ask you to contact your Club rep so that we can resolve the matter on the spot .
9 Michelham Country Foods are at the Priory to provide you with the best of A Taste of Sussex .
10 We have done our utmost to provide you with the best possible product but if you have any complaints or suggestions as to how it could be improved do n't hesitate to let us know .
11 I rated him as the best British droll comedian we had .
12 Further questions on unemployment ‘ people do n't want training they want jobs ’ , homelessness and the NHS left Mr Major a little wobbly but provided him with the best and closing line of the night .
13 But again , it is up to each manager to make the final decision , basing it on the best available advice .
14 They advised me of the best route to take home — and by the best they meant the most fun , not the quickest .
15 Certainly the tabular method of presenting results does not show them in the best light and the use of graphs would have made them much more accessible .
16 You take one or two , having studied the collectors of the world , and the highly professional fences of the antique market , and place them where they 'll bring you in the best and safest return .
17 Fraulein Winkelmann told him for the Good God 's sake to get the papers fast , and Bruno went away and came back and pointed the Luger yet again .
18 But , then when you 've done it to the best of your ability and you ca n't really see the rewards , then you have to analyse why .
19 Maurin interjected that he had done it for the best , that he suspected she would spread silly gossip and it was sensible to keep her away from the English journalist .
20 I 've done m is there , are there any gaps in between , if you put it on the good quality like , can you see any spaces ?
21 There is great potential in the land around the port in Belfast and it is important that , when that land is sold , it is sold to a company capable of developing it to the best advantage of the people of Belfast and Northern Ireland .
22 She revived the house , filling it with the best Paris could offer in people and le bon goût , in the tradition established there by her great predecessor Pauline Borghese , who employed Napoleon 's architect Fontaine to remodel the interior ( and sold the house to the Duke of Wellington ) .
23 ‘ You must send it to the best art gallery in London . ’
24 My friend 's friend advised us on the best solicitors for a rape case , but warned that the final bill might be enough to buy a flat in Mayfair .
25 The hostel staff advised us about the best areas for walking , and also arranged for the essential guide , to keep us on the right path and to protect us from the buffalo .
26 But again the questions — was Boswell telling the truth about Johnson , or was he presenting him in the best possible light ?
27 He was more confident than his first ‘ angel ’ that heaven would provide him with the best of both worlds , and he wrote jauntily to his second wife that he had prayed that
28 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
29 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
30 " And I would so enjoy turning it into the best school of its kind in Frizingley .
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