Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it turns them off at school it will probably turn them off at university .
2 Return to the bad old ways , elect separately a Chamber and a Senate , then bring them together at Versailles in a National Assembly which would or would not modify the Constitution of 1875 .
3 ‘ When I went to school , I were n't above eight or nine year old and I used to have to go hawking milk , as I told you , before I went to school ; and then I used to take the empty cans to school , bring them home at dinner-time .
4 So you just bring them home at lunchtime or something give him a
5 When I had left him for Bath , he had said , sadly , seeing me off at Salamanca station : ‘ I should have come with you when your father died .
6 Nenna wished to reply that it was not for the expected reasons — not pride , not resentment , not even the curious acquired characteristics of the river dwellers , which made them scarcely at home in London 's streets .
7 But , I mean , they sell them round at Dash Hill for erm , they sell them for two hundred and fifty do n't , the shops
8 ‘ A lot of players , including Gazza , found the game passed them by at times .
9 The genitors of the children had a recognized standing in relation to their spouses but they visited them only at night and did not take food in the taravad house of their " wives " .
10 Tripoli was reported quiet yesterday , seemingly proving that Col Gaddafi is able to bring out the crowds and send them home at will .
11 Leigh travelled to London to meet the Goldsmiths later in July , but " found them not at home " .
12 She phoned me up at home on a Sunday , asking
13 Well I was gon na say you could 've dropped me off at grandma 's .
14 She had a way of shaping them into round balls , raising her arms in a wide , swinging movement and hurling them straight at Elizabeth .
15 I did n't expect to find you here at Julius 's country retreat . ’
16 , six days a week , I mean it 's like this year I mean he 's going to be working , I 'm working as well right up to Christmas Eve , so are you , his gon na have the Christmas Day and they want him back at work on the Boxing Night .
17 I want her back at Mass next Sunday , and if you ca n't persuade her , then this belt of mine 'll have to do the talking ! ’
18 I then went to see three other patients and returned to review the child about twenty minutes later to find him totally at peace and asleep , with no evidence of any respiratory problem .
19 It was so difficult to conjure him up at will now , to truly remember what he was like and bring him to life again .
20 Their ‘ great weekend ’ as he put it had come to a highly unsatisfactory end yesterday evening , when he had dropped her off at home , and after seeing her in , had ridden off with scarcely a word .
21 He beat her easily at chess the following week , but when he came again she had been thinking and remembering .
22 And the person who had sorted it together at Birmingham made sure that the next stop it was at , the waggons would be at the back end to leave in that town and this is what my father was doing by er er shunting as it was called , or making a train up to go from Nottingham to London , or some other place in the country , with up to fifty or sixty trucks behind it and they did n't want the trucks next to the engine to be dropped off at the first place and having to shove and push about in their marshalling yard .
23 The important thing about that Bob is not to accept it just at face value .
24 He swills it down at times ; of course , on the quiet , after Great-gran 's safely tucked up in bed .
25 It is to be suspected that , together with its extensions , it constitutes the nuclear complex of every neurosis , and we may expect to find it actively at work in other regions of mental life .
26 I mean I tried it out at work I show you the this is what they used at work .
27 We found it over at Scano 's .
28 The results are fabulous , as already hinted at by the current 45 ‘ Drive That Fast ’ , a grippingly gentle , coolly frantic , scarily mellow passage that fittingly knocks 'em over at CBGB 's .
29 Mind you , the accountant , C.J. Broderick , soon saw what was happening , but it took the best part of a year to re-arrange matters so that the newspaper could save money by hiring me back at $28 per week .
30 It were twelve o'clock when you went today , when you dropped me off at work .
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