Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] our [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The horns , though they properly belong to the brass group , are so frequently used as part of the woodwind ensemble that we feel bound to include them in our consideration of this orchestral group .
2 He came to see me in our hotel the night before we came to this country , and …
3 This sense of wariness and unease permeates our society , and will remain a barrier both to parents accepting mentally handicapped children , and to the public at large accepting them within our society .
4 We had seen and sensed them on our way up , their tentative postures , their unanimity of hesitation .
5 Words and names , as we all know from everyday experience , possess magical power : naming and identifying experiences and things imposes some degree of control over them and gives at least the illusion of bringing them within our power .
6 We are fortunate to have men of such commitment and expertise amongst us and we need to support them by our prayers .
7 In a letter to Dr Bennett in Sydney from the ‘ Upper part of the Torrens ’ on 23 June 1839 , Gould remarked , ‘ Capt. Sturt has just joined me on our way to the Murray …
8 We healed them with our doctor 's hands and placed them about our person .
9 Free feed in this instance is not to attract them to our swim , for if we have chosen wisely we will already be fishing on the patrol route which they follow regardless of groundbait being present or not .
10 Voice your opinions by all means , Mr Stigle , but please think next time before criticising the efforts of those who provide you with our hobby by their unselfish efforts .
11 We 'll cosset you in sumptuous comfort , astound you with service from a bygone era , tempt you with the quality of our cuisine and delight you with our shipboard facilities and entertainment .
12 Most merciful father who has told us to love you with all our strength and glorify you in our bodies , we commend to you for your continual blessings the hospitals of our land and those who serve in them prosper all that is being done in the healing of the sick , the conquest of disease and the training of doctors and nurses that your will may be done for the relief of suffering and the making of lives whole through Jesus Christ our Lord amen
13 The logic of this suggests that we blokes should introduce you to our exes just to show what perfectly normal , likeable girls they are .
14 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
15 Mr Kinnock will shortly be asking us to trust him with our economy .
16 To ensure that your staff or pensioners are paid the right amount on the day you specify , all you have to do each week or month is complete a special , easy to follow form with such variable payment details as bonuses and overtime , and send it to our computer centre .
17 Coun Katherine Carr said : ‘ We are the custodians of something so valuable and we forget it at our peril . ’
18 ‘ And the World buys the lateral thinking , of course , ’ said Derek , ‘ and we transform it in our research establishments into practical schemes for export to Uridia . ’
19 In modern times we have effectively eliminated possibility 3 by incorporating it within our scheme : Quantum mechanics is essentially a theory of what we do not know and can not predict .
20 We want it for our children and for our country .
21 ‘ We can always have ham and tea and whiskey for anybody that wants it in our house .
22 He aggravated it in our win at Stockport County on Friday night .
23 All cancellations incur a charge payable by you to compensate us for our offices .
24 If you are interested in our products but are unable to visit us please phone or fax us for our mail order lists .
25 During the next few days , I hope you will all feel free to take part in our meetings and discussions which I am sure will assist us with our decision making .
26 I bit back my questions as Mandeville began to list what he wished to see the following morning : Arthur 's tomb ; the manuscript in which Hopkins had found the riddle ; and any other matter the reverend Abbot and Brother Eadred thought might assist us in our search .
27 ‘ You send us on our way weaponless , so that we can be slaughtered from ambush .
28 Burke , said Patten , had reminded us of our duties as trustees for the nation , of its traditions , its values and its riches .
29 ‘ Yet she made it known to Brother Tutilo , ’ retorted Herluin , burning up in his turn , ‘ that she has felt compassion towards afflicted Ramsey , and wishes to benefit us in our distress .
30 We would like to thank our colleagues , Peter Brown , Dick Jones , and Eve Wilson ( who also teach on our undergraduate electronic publishing courses ) for their help and ideas , and our students for keeping us on our toes .
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