Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both Japan and South Korea had expressed reservations about Dunkel 's draft accord on the grounds that it would oblige them to open their rice markets by imposing " tariffication " under which import quotas would be converted into tariffs [ see p. 38602 ] .
2 It was threatening to resume bombing on the mainland and it is suspected that the closures were linked with indirect negotiations to induce them to change their intention .
3 It was the same when The Who smashed their gear at the end : everyone would turn up just to see them smash their gear and it was n't cool , because everybody knew they were going to do it .
4 it encourages it encourages them to increase their business as well you see .
5 Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists , and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty .
6 This aspect of his practice is only just beginning to change , but he intends to persevere with it , spurred on by the personal satisfaction he has derived from ‘ seeing them do their maths ’ .
7 Things were cheaper there than outside — butter , sugar , candles , tea , fruit — and he felt grown-up , puffed with self-importance , at being allowed with all those policemen , seeing them taking their ease , sitting at table , drinking , smoking , laughing , playing cards , some with their coats off and braces showing .
8 Do you remember seeing me changing my duvet cover ?
9 Do you want me to hold your hand while you 're doing it .
10 If you do n't want me to touch your child then I would not take him .
11 Manchester-based Mark , at No. 19 with I Found Heaven , reveals : ‘ My mum did n't want me wasting my time trying to be a pop star and I came very close to quitting the group .
12 She 'll want me to give her money for that wretched foundation of hers . ’
13 She would never want me to sell my share . "
14 Do you want me to put her car seat in van ?
15 ‘ Do you want me to put her billing in the advance announcements — Aschmann starring as Adele in the sensational new Luxembourg — that kind of thing ? ’
16 Or do you want me to take my caravan off here ?
17 Later I found that Mains did not want me watching his team train ‘ because I knew too much about rugby ’ and would tell the opposition of his plans .
18 Now , do you want me to do your make-up , or not ?
19 Do you want me to do your hair ?
20 ‘ Do you want me to get your car ? ’
21 ‘ I 'm not sure Dr Kingdom would want me to discuss his work with you .
22 Do you want me to bring my camera ?
23 plenty of other things to do do you want me to write your mother 's day card ?
24 He 'll want , want me to keep my eye on them all the time what he , what he 's got in mind , what 's running , when he thinks they 'll win races .
25 She 'd want me to help your niece , not a doubt of it .
26 The thought that they might already be pursued made them hasten their pace .
27 I 'm wondering what made them change their mind over the er knock through into the garage .
28 Survivors quietly described how families were destroyed , women abused , men castrated ; how the Gestapo made them play their gypsy violins even while they performed their atrocities .
29 He glared at me , almost daring me to contradict his advice .
30 Wesley imparted the information defensively , looking at me under lowered brows as though he expected me to clip his ear at any moment .
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