Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Herman asked me to tell them all about Greece — but I had more sense than to do so .
2 Ever constructive and logical , Wynne-Jones influenced events , and was a credit to the concept of the Life Peer I miss them all .
3 Yeah well b well what I 'm trying to say and I ca n't emphasise it too strongly is that I do n't want anybody going round like writing another stupid letter to somebody saying that erm you know the reason we 're inundated that it has n't been advertised properly cos I tell you what it 'll come back right in our faces cos it 's our bloody fault Well that 's right well we know that I mean I told them all I told them all quite clearly when I was up in Glasgow that they 'd be quiet for at least a month because p it 'll take time to filter through .
4 Well well I say I rang them first time .
5 And I cleared the lot except six baskets and they were all in good condition , so I was glad of these six baskets really because it helped you to give them one or two more .
6 Has she got them all ?
7 You obviously think you can do what you like with women , and perhaps that 's the fault of those who 've let you treat them this way in the past .
8 Well say she owes them nine thousand anyway .
9 How come you know them all by number but you do n't know where they are ?
10 Now nobody 's done it , now we 've got two people in our area and one packing line , so I suggest we get them three together now and sort it out as to who done it and if they have n't done it and then wait while the three o'clock mane comes on , see if he 's done it .
11 What has he got them right ?
12 And we 've got you know that is actually a lot lower than it used to be because we they actually caught us charging them three hundred and fifty quid for a bearing that we 're now charging them two hundred and fifty quid for .
13 On the first day Odd-Knut gave me a tobacco tin of worms and told me to keep them warm , and they have travelled the Arctic inside my second layer of clothing ever since , even sharing my sleeping bag at night-time .
14 ‘ After The White Lion won they gave me £6,000 and told me to get them another , so I sold them three shares in Rambo 's Hall — who I 'd bought cheaply in a job lot as a yearling — for £1,500 each .
15 they have a tendency to open them make them wider apart
16 Let me have them both .
17 I asked him — I told him ‘ Shut up or you 'll wake Cathy too ’ and he got madder — he — he thinks — he says I keep them awake so — so — so I do n't have to go to bed with him . ’
18 Arthur says I scratch them any way
19 See I do I get them right in the class
20 She had got to the point where , if Lili had announced a passion for sun-kissed babies , she would have said she found them over-rated .
21 A former senior minister who has been through many spending rounds says we take them all much too seriously , they are merely a mating ritual , he says , adding , and a barren one at that , no offspring .
22 What if I 'd said we killed them all ?
23 She says they bought them all from Birmingham — many are for weddings and rituals .
24 They told him to meet them two nights later and threatened frightful consequences if he should fail to appear .
25 so I told her to fetch them bloody home
26 after you let him buy them last time !
27 Let us consider them one by one .
28 Obviously , as you will see by the one we have enclosed with these notes they have cost the Society a fairly substantial amount of money and although we are still allowing you to have them free of charge we ask that you use them very sparingly Thank you .
29 ‘ What , you mean you hear them all the time ?
30 What if something like this you know if I give this to Arthur and John and say er they just joined I give them this , this personal development plan , who should it put pressure on should do , yeah cos you should be going up to them and saying well I 'm supposed to have done you know X Y Y and they go ah yeah , and then they go up with these excuses yeah .
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