Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , a well-developed system of primary care means that GPs can act as gatekeepers filtering demands made on the more expensive specialist and hospital services .
2 An axon is enlarged at the tip and this presynaptic area contains vesicles made from the same material as the cell membrane , containing the neurotransmitters that are released in the synapse .
3 After escaping relegation from the National League on Sunday with a 1–0 win over Ealing , the management team want changes made to the club 's infrastructure over the Summer .
4 Whale music — a recording of a group of socialising females made off the Azores — was then broadcast to the males .
5 Of course no experience is self-authenticating , but it is reasonable to accept claims made on the basis of experience ( *b and c ) unless sufficient reason is produced ( *a ) for not doing so .
6 The offensive was an attempt both to consolidate gains made over the previous two months and to wrest control of the main road and rail links to Thailand .
7 By section 1(3) , a design shall not be registered if the appearance of the article is not material ; that is , if aesthetic considerations are not normally taken into account to a material extent by persons acquiring or using articles made to the design .
8 These variations in health and educational attainment are of long standing and appear to have defied attempts made under the Welfare State to obtain greater equality in access to services .
9 The apparatus consisted of a delicate torsion balance from which were hung masses made of the two materials under comparison ( e.g. 30 mg masses of gold and aluminium ) .
10 When section 42 was under discussion , the government ignored recommendations made by the Fair Employment Agency , as well as recommendations in the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights ( SACHR ) report of 1987 .
11 Whoever ends up fighting the election , Mr Kishen suggested , royal parentage will not matter as much to Bharatpur voters as the government 's abysmal record on rural development , inflation and corruption and its failure to fulfil promises made during the 1984 campaign .
12 The electoral tribunal annulled the first round result and ordered a fresh election in Collor 's home state of Alagoas , after investigating allegations made by the PRN candidate , Renan Calheiros , that associates of Collor had tampered with 71,000 votes to guarantee the victory of his opponent , Geraldo Bulhoes , who also enjoyed the financial backing of another Collor adviser , a well-known businessman Paulo César Faria .
13 Officers are also investigating threats made to the club in recent days .
14 Secondly , the question of sufficient interest has to be judged in the light of the relevant statutory provisions — what do they say or suggest about who is to be allowed to challenge decisions made under the statute ?
15 Space station Freedom includes modules made by the European Space Agency and by Japan to carry experiments , and a robotic arm developed by Canada .
16 They obtained it using observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ) satellite .
17 This also applies to editing changes made in the window .
18 Loudspeakers will be lowered into the water from a pilot boat , and the whales will be played recordings made off the Azores last year by a Bangor University marine biologist , John Goold .
19 This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especially the " clone " importers who affix their own name to the equipment .
20 What the manuals do n't tell you is that when the application is removed , the responsibility for removing or reversing changes made to the INI files falls upon you .
21 In France , too , sparkling wines made by the méthode tradionelle , as the méthode champenoise is now increasingly called , are widespread .
22 Under Ordinance 1990/1 : Student Discipline , breaches of discipline by a student include ‘ infringing arrangements made by the University in order to permit it to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act ’ .
23 In the agreement Aristide had agreed to respect decisions made by the Haitian parliament since Sept. 30 ( the date on which the coup ousted him ) , one of which included the appointment of Cédras as army commander for a three-year period .
24 Digital switching systems allow telecommunications providers to record details of calls to justify charges made for the services provided .
25 It should n't affect most of them , because manufacturers tend to use disks made in the US , which wo n't be subject to duty , and the EC ’ .
26 The main exception involves items made by the Christian Armenians , who occupied much of the Caucasus , eastern Anatolia and parts of Persia , which are dated according to the Gregorian calendar .
27 Armando Guebuza , the leader of the government delegation , as being designed to give the MNR time to consider proposals made by the talks ' mediators .
28 This period will be reduced if the owner fails to market articles made to the design within the first five years .
29 Founded in 1986 , it began by importing PCs made by the Taiwanese concern Copam .
30 Far be it from me to criticize comments made in the heat of the moment , which should be understood for what they are , cries of unendurable suffering , a passionate outburst of all-too-comprehensible anguish .
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