Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] as he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He made loud wailing noises as he sailed back and forth over the wall , missing the top by inches .
2 Wolves may not howl here in the moonlight , as they did in the journal of Jonathan Harker , but I have no difficulty in seeing Slains as he saw Count Dracula 's castle in Bukovina , the tall black windows from which not a glimmer of light came , and the jagged battlements glimpsed when the moon came out from behind the fitful clouds .
3 Hubert bent nails , made patterns with metal bars and suffered agonies as he struggled to lift massive weights .
4 The playground was empty but he could hear the sing-song voices of children reciting tables as he paused by the railings .
5 A tech murmured incantations as he stroked the wires running from this to a bone-framed screen where runes and formulae flickered ; the man 's left hand had been replaced by a baroque prosthetic voltmeter with electrode claws .
6 We sign , ’ he told reporters as he arrived nearly four hours after the scheduled start of the talks .
7 A large turn-out would ‘ punch the mouths of idle prattlers and enemies of Islam and Muslims ’ , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , successor to the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as Iran 's spiritual guide , told reporters as he voted .
8 The pilot flipped up the door , and Duroc bent to avoid the still slowly circling blades as he stepped down onto the tarmac .
9 He was not a bad looker , I thought , and shook hands as he told me his name was Freddy .
10 He poured Moselle for her , brushed fingers as he handed her the glass and looked into her eyes .
11 Detective Eddy showed he was a man who appreciated horses as he ran his hands over Vulcan 's body .
12 Although she enjoyed the modelling , Constance was at her happiest sitting next to Monsieur de Levantiére in his hot little office , taking notes as he worked on his collection .
13 He liked to sing hymns as he worked his way up cliff faces .
14 After an eventful journey to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides , off the north-west coast of Scotland , he was joined by his younger brother , aged around 23 , James Keith , who had travelled through France to Paris like a military pied Piper , collecting Jacobites as he went , before embarking on a little 25-ton ship at Le Havre to sail round the west coast of Ireland .
15 He tried making snowballs as he had in Britain only to find that in these low temperatures he was left with a handful of flour-like snow that simply blew away when he threw it .
16 Suddenly Alexei remembered Tarvaras as he had first seen it — a revolving holographic projection suspended in the viewing well of the briefing amphitheatre of an Imperial survey vessel , the Simonova — off which he and five other humans had been marooned over twelve standard years earlier .
17 With no time to wait for an ambulance , Colin , 27 , rang the midwife who issued instructions as he dashed up and down the stairs between the phone and the bathroom .
18 He could hear beating noises as he crept closer , transferring the bomb from one sweating hand to the other .
19 It was not an easy task for the coalman to make deliveries as he had to lump one hundredweight sacks , right through the house , down three steps , duck to miss the top of the door frame to the scullery , then a mighty heave to deposit coal costing one shilling a hundredweight in the exact spot .
20 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
21 We went up to the ward , by which time he was making very odd , rasping sounds as he breathed .
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