Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] in [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I have no illusions about the likelihood of its transforming schools in the next ten years .
2 However , Newell made amends in the 64th minute when he raced on to a hopeful through ball , rounded Hitchcock and fired home .
3 Both missed with other attempts before Stephens made amends in the second half , landing another three penalties and kicking three conversions .
4 The Don made amends in the second innings with a memorable 103 not out and the crowds held a ‘ bob in ’ collection to buy their idol a piano .
5 Drawing attention to the cost of UN peacekeeping operations in the last 12 months , estimated to total US$3,000 million , Boutros-Ghali urged members to reflect on the organization 's financial crisis , prompted by outstanding dues totalling US$908,000,000 in regular contributions with a further US$845,000,000 due in peacekeeping contributions .
6 The work has voices in the first two movements , but is essentially for solo organ , dazzlingly played by Gaston Litaize , who clearly enjoys himself of the magnificent beast which lives in the church of St. Francois-Xavier in Paris .
7 Inveterate trafficker in traffic systems Peek Plc told its annual meeting yesterday that it saw signs of a trading upturn in March : ‘ Although trading conditions in the first two months of the current year continued to be difficult , we have seen signs of improvement in March — there is currently a significant amount of enquiry and bidding activity and it is expected that this will translate into firm orders , ’ chairman Ken Maud said .
8 ‘ We have won games in the 19th , 21st and 22nd overs this season and have an in-built belief we are going to win matches . ’
9 However , we found indications in the last chapter that this could lead to a very large number of possible word strings .
10 This number is seen to be much higher in the later 1970s and in the 1980s , supporting the view that more and more school-leavers were then finding it increasingly difficult to obtain jobs in the first six months after leaving school .
11 And in fact , I think in recent years what we know as the third world is the fourth , because those oil producing countries in the third world retained the status of being third and everyone got pushed to the fourth .
12 Although , as discussed in Chapter 4 , most search consultants encounter difficulties in attracting candidates on behalf of clients who insist on remaining anonymous for at least the initial stages of the search , many clients see this as a real plus in using headhunters in the first place .
13 Large numbers of inventories of household goods and chattels were exhibited in many probate courts in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries and are preserved in local record offices throughout England and Wales .
14 And I 'm almost having to bully kids in the fifth year at present into getting hold of the Echo at night and writing off to jobs because they believe they are of no value .
15 San Jose , California-based Conner Peripherals Inc warns that it expects to report a loss from operations for the second quarter ending June 30 , adding that the expected loss reflects ongoing price competition , excess capacity and a transition in product demand to 200Mb and higher capacity drives ; a continuation of factors affecting the second quarter , as well as a seasonal slowdown in the summer , could also lead to operating losses in the third quarter , the firm said .
16 David Boon scored centuries in the third , fourth and fifth Tests , on his way to a series aggregate of 556 runs at an average of 79.43
17 Well , at that point we 've got to three o'clock and the end of the term , erm I 'll take up Totem and Taboo , and its more forward lis looking aspects in the first lecture of er , next term , and I wish you all a happy Christmas , and new year , and hope you have a good , a good vacation and look forward to seeing you here again , the first Thursday of next term .
18 Is not the question more one of how we select and appoint committees in the first place ?
19 The aim was to reach students in the Fourth to Sixth Form age group by setting up workshops and visits to the Hayward Gallery , persuading professional photographers to go to as many schools as possible to talk about their own work and the Magnum show , and encouraging ‘ young hopefuls ’ to shoot and print some of their own work .
20 Uncle Vernon , goaded by the presence of the traveller with the skin grafts , had ruined the festive meal with recollections of his march across France and an encounter in a partially demolished farmhouse outside Lille with a white-haired woman of thirty who as a small child had suffered atrocities in the First World War .
21 Those who sell dogs in the first place have a great deal to answer for when it comes to explaining why the human-dog relationship is so often a disastrous mismatch .
22 Many élite families made fortunes in the first half of the nineteenth century and then invested their wealth in agriculture , usually in plantations .
23 Smacking , says Leach , will not help the toddler 's anger , frustration and fear , which create tantrums in the first place .
24 A NAFTA Trade Commission , taking precedence over the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) dispute settlement mechanism , would be established to handle disputes in the first instance .
25 Students who obtain passes in the first year subjects but do not intend to complete the HND may apply for the award of the HNC .
26 But he told me that , in the eyes of the law , theft is actually a lesser charge than handling stolen goods If there were n't people handling stolen goods then nobody would nick things in the first place .
27 WREXHAM manager Brian Flynn said : ‘ We desperately needed to score when we dominated things in the second half but we caught a goalkeeper on a hot day .
28 ‘ Those who might be safe would be still looking to win games in the last few weeks to improve their position . ’
29 I will suggest in this section of the essay that the reason why the antithesis between liberal principles and contract theory is so frequently overlooked lies in a second level of debate which the discussion of liberalism masks .
30 In a safety initiative designed to reduce accidents in the home , the Kitchen Specialists Association ( KSA ) has launched a new booklet — Greater Safety in the Kitchen — which highlights some of the more common causes of accidents in the home and offers advice on how to avoid mishaps in the first place .
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