Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 9 ) The Court of Session may , by act of sederunt , make rules for the conduct of proceedings under this section .
2 She got the ceiling decorated and made improvements to the entrance to make it more welcoming .
3 And so me brother and I , who was a twin , were put into the choir as probationers , like today 's police force , and after twelve months we 'd passed all the necessary tests for the vicar and became chororists with the choir and graduated through it .
4 Distance from Shanariah , coupled with enormous tithes to the Church and the fact that many of the Ixmarite hierarchy owned estates in the district and were therefore friends and neighbours , guaranteed the residents a certain freedom of belief .
5 He made patterns in the space , first up and down , then diagonally across , always within the open area between the stream and the thicket .
6 Suzi made patterns in the sugar with her spoon .
7 For example , a building contractor whose company builds houses for the council should decline to become a member of the housing committee and so avoid innuendos which would otherwise follow .
8 He soon started to gather illustrations for The Tourist 's New Guide to the Lake District , but as with the Manchester plan , it took much longer than he had hoped , and the final version was not published until 1819 .
9 Men leaped from the back and swiftly placed bombs among the enemy transport parked there .
10 In a bid to lift the country out of recession Norman Lamont announced boosts for the car industry , housing , the health service and schools .
11 Nirex anticipates completing plans for the site sometime early next year , when a planning application will be lodged .
12 Germany and Austria led calls for the west to recognise the independence of Slovenia and Croatia .
13 With Motif at large in the Sun community , IBM and DEC are confident they could make inroads into the Sun installed base swapping out Sun machines for their own .
14 One chieftain , Wittikind , fled north to take refuge with the Danes , a race hardly known to the Franks at that time , but who would later make inroads into the empire .
15 The hon. Gentleman would do well to recall that the policies of so many Labour authorities leaving properties empty and voids untreated which significantly adds to the level of homelessness ; until those Labour authorities operate properly with their housing resources , they will not make inroads into the housing problem .
16 Contracting may be effective because it makes evasion difficult , facilitates communication , and offers rewards to the patient .
17 Friday evening was spent mastering rhythm-changes on the piano and weaving cheerfully around the furniture in an Edinburgh tenement , and on Saturday and Sunday we all camped out in a School Dance Studio for movement sessions .
18 But it still gives you a pang to see performers of the calibre of Stephen Moore , Sian Phillips and Sheila Steafel trapped voluntarily in a vehicle heading nowhere .
19 With the specialist 's contempt for the layman 's ignorance , Rufus read accounts of the inquest in two newspapers .
20 Our ‘ Aspects of Landscape ’ series , for example , continues on pages 15–17 with Martin Taylor describing how acrylic colours can be used with watercolours to achieve a convincing representation of landscape details such as grasses and tree branches , while on pages 18–21 Peter Partlington demonstrates how to simplify drawing birds in the start of a fascinating new series .
21 The divider is placed widthways inside the tank and is held firmly in position at either end by using divider grips to which magnets at attached — four magnets on the outside and four inside the tank .
22 Indeed , can legislation , of itself , change attitudes in the way that clearly is intended ?
23 The government agreed , at the end of talks with Prince Sadruddin , to extend by six months a " memorandum of understanding " , due to expire in December , permitting UN relief agencies to continue operations in the north and south of the country .
24 I am accordingly asking all planning authorities concerned to give this matter further consideration , with a view to submitting proposals for the creation of clearly defined green belts , wherever this is appropriate .
25 Spencers became Knights of the Garter , Privy Councillors , ambassadors and a First Lord of the Admiralty while the third Earl Spencer was considered as a possible Prime Minister .
26 I had some experience of this when I lived at home , having to wait hours for the district nurses .
27 Although continuous time econometric modelling is primary a British development the methods that were first used in modelling ( in continuous time ) the United Kingdom economy are now being used by leading research and forecasting groups throughout the world .
28 Mr Ferhat Usta , a Muslim , said he realised minutes before the operation that his kidney was going to a Briton .
29 The axing of Eldorado and claims that the BBC must pursue quality television raise dangers of the development of an ‘ elitist ’ emphasis .
30 Poles were appointed to administrative posts in local government , and the law courts attempted to accommodate requests for the use of the Polish language .
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