Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Place on a flat dish with legs pointing diagonally towards you , hold with a carving fork and cut through wing joints ; carve legs the same way and divide in two .
2 COHORT — A group of persons that has experiences the same event ( e.g. birth or marriage ) at the same time or during a specified period ; for instance , birth cohort or marriage cohort .
3 When you are forming a band , try to make sure that everyone involved shares the same commitment and dedication .
4 Give yourself , you know , somewhere where you can sit quietly , and also give children the same opportunity , even quite small children need to be on their own sometimes .
5 The Council , the notes explained , aimed ‘ to afford colleges conducting courses the same freedoms as universities have in the framing of curricula and syllabuses and the selection , teaching and examination of students ’ .
6 This extension is straightforward because the curved space–time we inhabit bears the same relation to the Minkowski space of SR that a curved space does to the Euclidean space of Newtonian mechanics .
7 ‘ He would have carried on doing things the same way .
8 You 've been doing things the same way for years and you know you can get things across , but …
9 It 's just that you 've been doing things the same way for ten plus years and it 's second nature .
10 The problems of deciding whether a pupil has mastered a concept or skill are discussed in relation to an experiment in giving pupils the same tests in different modes but similar in content and difficulty on two separate occasions .
11 For that matter , Brancusi saw things the same way at this time .
12 That pretty blonde hair , those big blue eyes — how 'd you get eyes the same colour as those sequins , honey ? ’
13 Outside , watching the man stride away along the pavement , Ruane said , ‘ Just because they speak our language , do n't imagine they do things the same way .
14 Some of the oil companies operating in the UK disputed the British Gas view of the future suggesting that abundant reserves exist in the southern part of the North Sea and maintained that the reason a shortfall was in prospect was British Gas 's disinclination to pay suppliers the same price for UK produced gas as for imported gas .
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