Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [conj] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 On this view , understandably , animals would be of no more worth in themselves than drugs or edifying books that produced the same effect .
2 That would have exposed tax-dodgers and forced the suspiciously rich to account for their wealth .
3 When I tried this sort of stuff before , I had one flight in a sort of plywood packing-case painted the colour of the blue stuff they used to paint on your balls when you got crabs and spent the rest of the day hanging around with a pack of strangle-voiced bores in bobble hats .
4 The four of us worked out announcing shifts and kept the station on the air .
5 As too my faith in an even greater power when the same man , just two hours later , miraculously leapt to his sore , aching feet and gave the Robin Hood cast a thoroughly deserved five-minute standing ovation …
6 Sometimes they even tried embellishments that improved the tools ' performance .
7 But the fall in world oil prices in recent years has squeezed revenues and made the inefficiencies of these coddled monopolies painfully obvious .
8 Later Caroline specialised in Special Needs classes and introduced the first class to help stroke victims .
9 Then she gauged distances and gave the drum a shove .
10 He used tables that allowed the reader to see at a glance what proportion of the population in any zone was made up of grasses or any other major type of plant .
11 In Trieste we changed trains and took the express to Venice .
12 Having learned their lesson at Liège , the Germans immediately used howitzers and took the city in two days .
13 Tidal waves rippled across the Inner Sea , great walls of water that sank ships and brought the trees on distant shores toppling down .
14 When Galileo found results that displeased the Pope , his reward was imprisonment .
15 On the English side Hugh Calveley , having at first sold his services in Spain to du Guesclin , changed sides and served the Black Prince there in 1367 ; later he was to join John of Gaunt , and he even worked for Richard II in France .
16 In the oak-panelled bar of the Cotswold Lion , sunshafts warmed the ancient flagstones as they drank cooling shandies and studied the menu .
17 The blast blew out windows , moved walls and lifted the roof — the house is now likely to be demolished .
18 Others became refugees and provided the Habsburgs with some of their frontiersmen .
19 Was it a creature like a sea squirt which gave rise to the more mobile lancelet-like form by producing descendants that abandoned the stationary condition and reproduced during the hitherto larval stage ?
20 So though it is hard to imagine the stealthy fighter-bombers , map-reading cruise missiles and pinpoint bombs that won the Gulf war being beaten by Brazilian , Chinese or Russian weapons for decades , there is a good argument for what will now in effect be an arms race by America against itself .
21 Growth continued to create shortages that expanded the black market .
22 Staff cuts and reductions in overtime , both introduced as part of the Authority 's attempts to increase book profits , were blamed by Lewis in more than one confidential memo for procedures which cut corners and increased the risk of accidents .
23 The position was even worse in countries like Tanzania , where SOEs were set up primarily to replace imports but worsened the trade balance .
24 He seemed to choose hymns that suited the weather .
25 He grabbed his binoculars with trembling hands and swept the long quay as the Avignon drew nearer , scrutinizing each pile of bodies in turn .
26 As well as catering for the spiritual needs of the Russian settlers , monks , sometimes with lay assistants , participated in the colonial process by establishing small monastic communities which soon attracted peasants and became the focus of new communities .
27 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
28 The reactive heads of the molecules could also react with one another , forming cross-links that made the film very strong .
29 On some a small figure , seen from a distance , almost dancing across the platform at the back of the bucking hoverspeeder , spraying arcs of laser light that burst into explosions along the top of the perimeter wall , pausing only to hurl grenades that widened the hot smoking breach in the stonework .
30 A precise measurement of the gravitational spectral shift was made by Pound and Rebka ( 1960 ) using photons that travelled the length of a tower 22.6 m tall at Harvard University .
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