Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [verb] up a " in BNC.

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1 The home secretary announced plans to set up a special police unit to investigate suspects .
2 On April 30 Lekhanya announced proposals to set up a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
3 This new local government has plans to draw up a law of commerce to stabilize prices and avoid speculation , and a law of public order .
4 The Privy Council is then found referring to arbitration a dispute between two foreigners , hearing the submission and apology of a merchant for speaking offensively about the Queen , instructing sheriffs to send up a note of the number of prisoners in their gaols , ordering mayors of seaports to prepare private ships to serve in the navy against the expected Spanish invasion , telling its agents at the Hague to arrange for the purchase of matches for guns , sending off various warrants , organizing the acquisition of copper for the Queen 's service , delegating the decision in a legal action to the J.P.s of Bedfordshire , permitting the taking of a collection on behalf of a Cornish village despoiled by Spaniards , and writing to the Lord Mayor of London about a complaint against his predecessor .
5 Pupils may be invited to play at being a detective to resolve some mystery , or they might investigate the contents of a seaman 's chest , a collection of craftsman 's tools , or a doctor 's bag , or a lady 's valise , for example to help pupils to build up a picture of the people who used them .
6 One gentleman , who has not actually seen the apparition , has on several occasions heard footsteps walking up a stairway in the station .
7 The UK government has abandoned proposals to draw up a register of contaminated land , after sustained criticism from property developers , who argued that it was prejudicing their activities .
8 Among its other demands are : i ) that manufacturers should be obliged to take back and recycle products at the end of their useful life ; ii ) that the EC should take steps to set up a comprehensive system of environmental liability ; and iii ) that environmental impact assessments on construction projects and other EC-funded programmes be strictly enforced both within and outside Europe .
9 Increasing intra-abdominal pressure by asking subjects to blow up a balloon produced an increase in anal pressure in both controls and spinal patients , returning to the baseline after the action ceased .
10 The proprietor has spent years building up a remarkable cellar of aged Riojas , which lie side by side with the best that Burgundy and Bordeaux have to offer .
11 The number of shepherds , stockmen , etc. is simply not known , but it is still the case that employed artisans made up a significant proportion of the urban male population .
12 AEA Technology and Amersham International plc have joined forces to set up a new international environmental management business .
13 It was also the turn of Kenneth Clarke today ; the Health Secretary did n't have quite so much up his sleeve , but he did announce plans to set up a nationwide programme of health targets .
14 The Malaysian government has announced plans to set up a special task force in Europe to carry out counter-propaganda work against environmentalist criticism of its logging operations in Sarawak and its treatment of the Penan people .
15 This is like just allowing children to pick up a bottle of poison , and leaving it in their hands as though it is a matter of no consequence to us whether or not they drink it .
16 Oral history can be a means of helping pupils to build up a meaningful framework of chronology for the last 80 years .
17 It wants to raise funds to set up a special service for Northern Ireland , and ensure that every child 's call is answered first time .
18 Housing problems take up a lot of the time in prison , ’ he said .
19 ‘ The point is to get things cleared up a bit .
20 Motown , a leading black record company , is now making moves to set up a Nashville branch .
21 Furthermore , if the members of the harmonie rustique were moving around the stage as part of the spectacle , it seems much less likely that they would have been changing instruments picking up a flute for one number , a bassoon for another than they might have done had they been playing from a pit .
22 Also please instruct records to make up a current personal dossier on Manville and all his known contacts .
23 But North had at least a half-promise of another honour : Adolfo Calero revealed that the contras had plans to put up a statue of him in Managua , just as soon as they had won it back from the Sandinistas .
24 This enables schools to build up a flexible resource which teachers can adapt to the varying needs of classes .
25 It used to take centuries to build up a centimetre or two of topsoil .
26 It demands the identification of a coordinator who should ensure that consultation with staff is genuine and that they feel involved ; explain processes clearly from the outset ; help teachers draw up a realistic timetable and ensure that deadlines are met ; provide advice and keep a check on what is happening at each stage ; contact people outside the school who might be brought in to help ; try to ensure that the review and the development are rigorous and systematic ; and make some evaluation of the effectiveness of the GRIDS method after about twelve months .
27 The Down 's Syndrome Association desperately need volunteers to give up a few hours before or after work on Thursday June 24 to help them collect donations at mainline stations .
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