Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 : To determine the effectiveness of the definitional overlap technique using definitions extracted from the OALD .
2 : To determine the effectiveness of the definitional overlap technique using definitions extracted from the Collins English Dictionary .
3 With a partial split-brain patient as their subject McKeever , Larrabee , Sullivan and Johnson ( 1981 ) observed that the usual difficulty of naming objects presented to the left hand was considerably reduced under hypnosis .
4 The fact was that Charles gave up shooting for a few years because he had simply grown bored with it : it was too easy to blast away overfed birds frightened into the air by a band of beaters .
5 The third factor supporting the whole-school approach is the benefits of wider experiences and peer interactions derived from the involvement in the curriculum which are essential for the full development of the ‘ whole child ’ .
6 It is a strange sight now to see vegetables growing on the pure white substrate .
7 It used to be thought by many scientists that the armoured plates stuck outwards , as in Stegosaurus , in order to hit enemies approaching from the side .
8 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
9 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
10 Three out of four UK chemical firms surveyed by Friends of the Earth failed to support proposals to extend to the UK the level of openness on toxic emissions required in the US .
11 On Wednesday morning the prince , in his role as president of Scottish Business in the Community , will visit Craigmillar to see projects developed by the local community , local authority and other agencies , with help from the Friends of Craigmillar — a group of business leaders .
12 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
13 This would certainly occur if the rates of suicides among those who make attempts continue at the levels mentioned earlier ( p. 21 ) .
14 Rig Commanders stationed on the inshore ramp guided the drivers on with brief flashes of their green lights , and the convoy drove steadily across .
15 ‘ The ability to perform activities required to the standards specified . ’
16 He gained a lot of brownie points , for example , when the company announced its record interim losses of £45.1m and then revealed plans to sell off the majority of is leisure division .
17 The Scenic Route from Dornie is delightful , enjoying views denied to the modern A.87 .
18 They include non-work-related tasks to enable groups to focus on the process skills rather than the task skills .
19 Whatever the need for honesty , there is little point , and usually no advantage , in allowing discussions to continue on the basis of anger or mutual recrimination .
20 On completion of this second GIMMS job we are in a position to begin the final task , that of producing maps based on the digitized map of the 42 countries of Africa , using one or other of the two statistical variables entered into the file PMMLIB.GIMMSPOLYDAT .
21 Draft SAS 470 sets out existing guidance in the new format including consideration of whether disclosure in financial statements is fair and the aggregate effect of uncorrected misstatements , while draft SAS 520 extends the scope of guidance in assessing other people 's work to include experts employed by the auditors .
22 The infant learns to talk of hearing its mother in the garden , smelling hamburgers cooking in the kitchen , or seeing the dog enjoying itself with a ball or being hurt by the cat .
23 Changing blades is a simple process , using C-spanners supplied with the tool .
24 This was his first venture into steam , using vessels chartered from the St George Steam Packet Co .
25 While there can be no objection in principle to allowing foreigners access to the English courts , it is doubtful whether they should be permitted to recover damages for defamatory words which may freely circulate in the country where the plaintiff 's reputation would be most affected .
26 Other big Japanese consumer-electronics companies , such as Sharp , Casio , Sega and Nintendo , are also showing interest in producing gadgets to profit from the blurring of boundaries between TV , telecoms and computers .
27 This care will be paid for using funds transferred from the Department of Social Security .
28 Transport academics argue that road pricing would make drivers pay for the cost of congestion .
29 For example , now , she would be gathering shells to show to The Beloved , searching for ways to describe the perfect Disney sky .
30 He would like to see safeguards built into the bill to limit the size of the new co-op and he is also critical of plans by Milk Marque to retain control of key activities like milk testing and the artificial insemination service .
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