Example sentences of "[verb] [n mass] [Wh pn] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is very rare to find people who reverse the patterning other than for specific periods .
2 A democratic society needs people who have the linguistic abilities which will enable them to discuss , evaluate and make sense of what they are told , as well as to take effective action on the basis of their understanding .
3 The Kingman Report emphasised the need for such abilities when it stated : ‘ A democratic society needs people who have the linguistic abilities which will enable them to discuss , evaluate and make sense of what they are told , as well as to take effective action on the basis of their understanding …
4 They actually are welcoming good material in various senses , and in particular , they will welcome people who have a good story , a nice item , which they 're prepared to come and record , either in the studio , or record on a Ewer somewhere on tape .
5 The difference is that in the former case it is the teachers and support staff who use the systems , while in the latter it is the learners .
6 Thirdly , it may be possible to help people who have a tendency to exaggerate the unpleasantness or desirability of outcomes not to ‘ catastrophise ’ about uncontrollable outcomes .
7 Hughes , 46 , a long-time historian of Merseyside , has spent seven years examining public records and interviewing people who remember the blitz in an effort to paint a detailed image of the times .
8 I mean , you get people who blow a couple of bars on a mouth organ and then hold out their hands .
9 I mean I think that 's why in way it , it would be good to go outside the religious context , because then you 'll come up er y you er you know you 'll meet people who have a er a rather different motivation
10 But I would say to each of your listeners I sure you know people who find a tranquility , a centredness , a source of strength and confidence in their religious faith , they are the representatives of what religion can do , not the Ayatollahs , and not the fanatics , and not the people on television , but the people who spend their lives trying to be good and helpful , and one day they 'll look around and realise that happiness has snuck in the back door when they were n't even looking for it .
11 He was handicapped and I 've got a handicapped son : I ca n't stand people who take the mickey out of those sort of people .
12 Common Fallacies Show why the following statements are incorrect : ( a ) The only reason for taxation is to provide for shirkers by penalizing people who do an honest day 's work .
13 Perhaps it 's part of the drink/driving campaign reaching people who ride the sky in a sleigh drawn by reindeer .
14 Old school is a back-to-basics reaction to the sportswear industry 's increasing reliance on pink and pastel , splash and spray , an apparent brainstorm which has forced people who have no desire to look like an explosion in a paint factory to search in discount stores and back-of-beyond sports shops for the design classics of the recent past — nylon Adidas track tops with the simple three-stripe design on each arm , or a pair of shell-toed trainers .
15 But eventually we 're gon na get people in , if the C E C take up our recommendations from Manchester 's one one five branch , that we 're gon na get people who represent the members of the G M B , the working class , the people that we want to be represented .
16 if you want to say put the name of an accent down You wanted to put say Birmingham and then say , How would you rate people who have a strong accent from this place on a scale of one to five for friendless , honesty the things which you could
17 Their bodies were left for several hours to serve as an example of the fate awaiting people who oppose the regime .
18 It is the place where you greet people who have the right to step over the doormat but no right to go any further .
19 ‘ It is not acceptable to have people who require a home confined to long-stay institutions when they could be in more domestic settings .
20 Oh you need people who know the game anyway .
21 we have people who know a lot about the subject , and others who are bringing in their own items for us to assess
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