Example sentences of "[verb] [that] some [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two scientists demonstrated that some RNA molecules could do the job directly .
2 There is no reason why a child has to know that some life forms became extinct in order to be able to measure variations between living organisms , nor is there any clear difference in difficulty between these two statements .
3 Indeed , it is often claimed that some family firms preferred to avoid being profit-maximisers and take a safe return from past investments .
4 While deregulation refers to the breaking down of barriers that inhibit competition , impede efficiency , and restrict consumer choice , governments nonetheless acknowledge that some policy goals are too important to be left to heavily market orientated deregulatory processes .
5 After an earlier round of talks in Islamabad in July [ see pp. 38338-39 ] , it was reported that some mujaheddin groups had refused to accept the inclusion of representatives of the Najibullah regime in a transitional government [ see also p. 38194 ] .
6 The geologists sense that some funding agencies ‘ obviously feel that ophiolite work is a waste of time .
7 ( The alternative is to guess that some training examples are erroneous , and leave them out of the training set . )
8 The Far Eastern Economic Review of April 25 reported that some government officials and members of the armed forces had welcomed the creation of the Forum , provided that it complied with strict government guidelines on political behaviour .
9 He agreed that some training groups might pull out but others would take their place .
10 Blackgrass has built up to such levels in some of its traditional heavyland haunts that some cereal growers are now reporting severe problems in controlling it .
11 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
12 Observers also fear that some state governments , favouring development at all costs , may declare whole regions open for exploitation without any pretence at environmental assessment .
13 He says that some bank lenders and creditors have already indicated they are prepared to lend more money to the company .
14 Both local authorities seem to have accepted that some service development of this sort was a desirable addition to the Cramlington employment base .
15 Library use is never evenly distributed throughout the stock , and it is accepted that some stock categories will only be used by a small number of readers .
16 Ambulance chiefs are warning that some accident victims will die if the funds are n't found to keep an air ambulance in operation .
17 It is said that some crime syndicates have collected so many paintings that they have set up their own galleries .
18 In its brief analysis of the impact of the Channel Tunnel it estimated that some £5m passengers ( or 50,000 air passenger movements ) would be diverted to the tunnel in 1995 rising to 6m ( 65,000 movements ) in 2000 .
19 In 1991 , an Arthur Andersen survey on absenteeism estimated that some 1m employees are absent from work every day and that the problem costs industry over £6bn a year .
20 As St Johnstone won by two goals their fans chanted ‘ Who 's the tea-leaf in the goals ’ , proof if ever it was needed that some football fans are sadists in scarves .
21 It is thought that some member States will have difficulty in adhering to such timing , although a spokesman for the Italian Ministero dei Beni Culturali said that , provided that the deadline was reasonable , there was no particular difficulty in cooperating with British authorities .
22 The behaviourist theory of knowledge says that for someone , S , to know or believe that some proposition p is true is for S to be disposed to behave in some way which is supposed to be appropriate to the world 's being as p says .
23 Its report shows that some 26m tonnes of plastics ( excluding textile fibres ) are consumed annually in Western Europe , with the EC accounting for about 23m tonnes .
24 I read that some Waterman pens are collectors items and worth something .
25 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
26 An FBI spokesman said the move was ‘ a very hopeful sign ’ but fears were growing that some sect members may commit suicide .
27 Eunice Paxman , chairwoman of the National Care Homes Association , predicted that some SSD contracts with residential homes would be placed under further strain and may have to be renegotiated .
28 DIESEL SALES SOARED — our diesel challenge showed that some oil burners today are better all rounders than petrol equivalents — and hot hatch sales stalled .
29 Indeed , cross-tabulation showed that some mail order , credit sale , check trading and fuel board credit users forgot to mention these types of credit in answering this question .
30 I also recall that some cricket grounds displayed notices curtly stressing : ‘ No Autographs ’ and over-zealous groundstaff and sometimes local police had a high old time trying to keep the hunters away from the hunted .
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