Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
2 BRIGHTON : In six verbose years as leader of his party , Neil Kinnock has not a memorable phrase to his credit .
3 It is clear that the Secretary of State has not a single idea on the issue .
4 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
5 He wants not a huge monument which would hardly be fitting but a small plaque somewhere in the village the plane narrowly avoided .
6 As for Jimmy , he chooses from a handful of set comments , so he has n't a great deal to say .
7 you chose it has n't a five year guarantee .
8 The driver might admit he has n't a current certificate and the relevant conversation can be reproduced in the officer 's statement of evidence .
9 ‘ Your skin has n't a single blemish , ’ he said .
10 Tea went through all its stages — scones ( I fancy ) , gingerbread ( which was a success ) , and small cakes with chopped walnut on which were rather good , but I do n't think they appealed to her — she has n't a sweet tooth , I think …
11 It offers not a concrete image of history but an abstract schema of men making history of such a kind that it can manifest itself in the trend of their lives as a synchronic totality .
12 But his following definitions of the value of reading are close to my own convictions : ‘ reading , as we ought to teach it , can make not a good person , but a subtle , questioning one , always with the possibility of corruption yet richer and more enriching . ’
13 Each valve or combination of valves , therefore , produces not a single note but a whole series of possible notes , the one required at any moment being selected and coaxed out by the player , who must therefore ‘ feel ’ the required note before he actually produces it .
14 To start with the computer made not a blind bit of difference .
15 Sep 8 1984 Stark Dadaist design classic , included here because it is the only cover story EVER to carry not a single picture , inside or out .
16 Aw , hell , said the slut in her , it 's me she 's come to see not a tidy flat .
17 He puffed at it , producing not a discernible tune but a catchy rhythm , while attempting a dance not unlike the Irish clog variety .
18 Is it really relevant that most of that military money produced not a single weapon ?
19 Having gathered up the elements of his story from Wordsworth and John Cruikshank , Coleridge had , in a week of brilliant creativity , produced not a gothic ballad of the supernatural , but a strange and capacious metaphor of life itself-of man 's lonely voyage on a ‘ wide wide sea ’ , of his struggle with evil , of guilt and imperfect redemption .
20 ‘ Design ’ demarcates not a singular concept but a number of sometimes conflicting definitions .
21 I make not a party-political point , but one which shows the reality of not having proper consultations on the time scale for implementing such a major piece of legislation .
22 Lord Oliver described proximity as ‘ no more than a label which embraces not a definable concept but merely a description of circumstances from which , pragmatically , the courts conclude that a duty of care exists ’ .
23 So we have to move from old structures to new but the first new government of South Africa will be a compromise in itself because it will be a united government but it will inherit not a post-apartheid state as many academics and politicians tell us it will inherit a nil-apartheid state and that is a very big difference we still have to move to the post-apartheid situation which could take decades .
24 To take on the responsibility of looking after a frightened and disorientated family of five , who speak not a single word of English , would be an overwhelming chore for the most seasoned carer .
25 One , apprenticed to a shoe maker , recalled not a cruel master but a mistress who turned him into a household drudge .
26 The investigations cover not a single scandal but the unrelated activities of hundreds of firms and politicians .
27 When one hears of the hardships which could be caused to the high salaried , then surely in this country which claims to be Christian , we face not a political problem , but a moral one .
28 It heralded not a new age of dispersal , but a return to the bad old days of technological free-for-all-a return to that madness that had once before almost destroyed Chung Kuo .
29 Will he please explain why , in the list of sports and games that are supported , we find that there are apparently more people who support and provide funding for model aircraft than support and provide funding for rugby league , and why a sport that is universally recognised as a great sport gets not a single penny from the Army Sports Control Board ?
30 But although Tit for Tat is strictly speaking not a true ESS , it is probably fair to treat some sort of mixture of basically nice but retaliatory ‘ Tit for Tat-like ’ strategies as roughly equivalent to an ESS in practice .
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